#####Drop-in replacement for NSFetchedResultsController
backed by Realm.
The RBQFetchedResultsController
(FRC) is a replacement for NSFetchedResultsController
that works with Realm. The controller and delegate follow the same paradigm as NSFetchedResultsController
, and allow the developer to monitor changes of a RLMObject
supports tableview sections and implements a drop-in replacement delegate to pass the changes to the tableview for section and row animations.
Realm class requires a primary key to work with RBQFetchedResultsController
The Swift API mirrors Objective-C with the following classes:
Basic todo list application built with ABFRealmTableViewController which relies on RBQFetchedResultsController
####How It Works:
Starting with v4.0 and Realm v0.99, RBQFetchedResultsController
works automatically with Realm's fine-grained notification support. It is recommended to use Realm's API directly instead of RBQFetchedResultsController
unless you need support for sections.
Changes produced by Realm will be reprocessed to calculate changes accomodating any sections. These changes will then be passed to a delegate:
-(void)controllerWillChangeContent:(RBQFetchedResultsController *)controller;
-(void)controller:(RBQFetchedResultsController *)controller
didChangeObject:(RBQSafeRealmObject *)anObject
atIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
newIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)newIndexPath;
-(void)controller:(RBQFetchedResultsController *)controller
didChangeSection:(RBQFetchedResultsSectionInfo *)sectionInfo
-(void)controllerDidChangeContent:(RBQFetchedResultsController *)controller;
func controllerWillChangeContent<T: Object>(controller: FetchedResultsController<T>)
func controllerDidChangeObject<T: Object>(controller: FetchedResultsController<T>, anObject: SafeObject<T>, indexPath: NSIndexPath?, changeType: NSFetchedResultsChangeType, newIndexPath: NSIndexPath?)
func controllerDidChangeSection<T:Object>(controller: FetchedResultsController<T>, section: FetchResultsSectionInfo<T>, sectionIndex: UInt, changeType: NSFetchedResultsChangeType)
func controllerDidChangeContent<T: Object>(controller: FetchedResultsController<T>)
####Documentation Click Here
Starting with v4.0, RBQFetchedResultsController
now only uses the schemas specific to its internal Realm for section caching. This means handling migrations of the cache Realm is no longer necessary!
is available through CocoaPods or Carthage.
####Cocoapods To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "RBQFetchedResultsController"
// For Realm 0.96 (use latest)
pod 'SwiftFetchedResultsController'
// For Realm < 0.96
pod 'SwiftFetchedResultsController', '2.3'
Then run pod install
####Carthage To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:
github "Roobiq/RBQFetchedResultsController"
github "Roobiq/SwiftFetchedResultsController"
Then run carthage update
and drag RBQFetchedResultsController.framework
or SwiftFetchedResultsController.framework
from the appropriate platform directory in Carthage/Build/
to the "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" section of your Xcode project’s "General" settings.
Build and run/test the Example project in Xcode to see RBQFetchedResultsController
in action. This project uses CocoaPods. If you don't have CocoaPods installed, grab it with [sudo] gem install cocoapods.
git clone http://github.com/Roobiq/RBQFetchedResultsController
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd Examples/ObjC
pod install
open RBQFetchedResultsControllerExample.xcworkspace
git clone http://github.com/Roobiq/RBQFetchedResultsController
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd Examples/Swift
pod install
open RBQFRCSwiftExample.xcworkspace
Note: the example projects install the framework by directly including the source files and using Cocoapods to install Realm. There are also example projects that test/demonstrate installation of the framework with Cocoapods and Carthage. For the Cocoapods install example apps (ObjC-cocoapods
) the framework is installed as a development pod, referencing the local podspec and source files. Follow the same instructions as above, since the pod install
will simply include the framework.
For the Carthage example apps (ObjC-carthage
), you must run carthage update
after git submodule update
in the steps above so that Carthage can build the Realm framework(s) locally. The example project then uses the RBQFetchedResultsController.xcodeproj
directly in the same way as you would the resulting framework produced by Carthage.
####Current State The example project includes various functional and unit tests. In addition, the project is used in our Roobiq app and is quite stable.