A curated list of awesome developer communities (Discord, Slack, Telegram, etc.).
Use the "Table of Contents" menu in the top-left corner to explore the list.
- Hugging Face Discord - The AI community building the future.
- Leonardo AI - Official Leonardo Image generation AI Discord community.
- Frontend Developers Discord - Friendly creative web developer Discord community.
- Codecademy Discord - The official Codecademy Discord community.
- Codu Discord - Codu - The Coding community.
- freeCodeCamp Discord - The official freeCodeCamp Discord community.
- The Odin Project Discord - The official The Odin Project Discord community.
- Java Discord - One of the biggest Java Communities on Discord.
- Together Java - Java self-help Discord community.
- PHP Slack - The official PHP Slack community.
- Symfony Slack - The official Symfony Slack community.
- Discord.py Discord - The official Discord.py Discord community.
- Flet Discord - The official Flet Discord community.
- Poetry Discord - The official Poetry Discord community.
- Python Discord - The official Python Discord community.
- PyWebIO Discord - The official PyWebIO Discord community.
- Resume Matcher Discord - The official Resume Matcher Discord community.
- Streamlit Discord - The official Streamlit Discord community.
- TypeScript Discord - The offical TypeScript Discord community.
- V Discord - The official V language Discord community.
- Vue.js Discord - The official Vue.js Discord community.
- WordPress Slack - The official WordPress Slack community.
- Ancyr Academy de Anthony Cyrille
- Android Dev FR
- Codinglab - Discord de développeurs FR.
- Grafikart - Le discord de Grafikart.
- Wealcome