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Merge pull request #5 from RolnickLab/update-makefile
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Update Makefile
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f-PLT authored Sep 16, 2024
2 parents aff9596 + ac4c680 commit 9606d7e
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Showing 7 changed files with 461 additions and 201 deletions.
393 changes: 393 additions & 0 deletions .make/base.make
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
# If necessary, override the corresponding variable and/or target, or create new ones
# in one of the following files, depending on the nature of the override :
# Makefile.variables, Makefile.targets or Makefile.private`,
# The only valid reason to modify this file is to fix a bug or to add new
# files to include.
# Please report bugs to [email protected]

# Basic variables
PROJECT_PATH := $(dir $(abspath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash
BUMP_TOOL := bump-my-version
APP_VERSION := 0.0.0
DOCKER_COMPOSE ?= docker compose

# Conda variables
# CONDA_TOOL can be overridden in Makefile.private file
CONDA_TOOL := conda

# Colors
_SECTION := \033[1m\033[34m
_TARGET := \033[36m
_NORMAL := \033[0m

## -- Informative targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

.PHONY: all
all: help

# Auto documented help targets & sections from comments
# detects lines marked by double #, then applies the corresponding target/section markup
# target comments must be defined after their dependencies (if any)
# section comments must have at least a double dash (-)
# Original Reference:
# Formats:
# As well as influenced by it's implementation in the Weaver Project

.PHONY: help
# note: use "\#\#" to escape results that would self-match in this target's search definition
help: ## print this help message (default)
@echo ""
@echo "Please use 'make <target>' where <target> is one of below options."
@echo ""
@for makefile in $(MAKEFILE_LIST); do \
grep -E '\#\#.*$$' "$(PROJECT_PATH)/$${makefile}" | \
awk 'BEGIN {FS = "(:|\-\-\-)+.*\#\# "}; \
/\--/ {printf "$(_SECTION)%s$(_NORMAL)\n", $$1;} \
/:/ {printf " $(_TARGET)%-24s$(_NORMAL) %s\n", $$1, $$2} ' 2>/dev/null ; \

.PHONY: targets
targets: help

.PHONY: version
version: ## display current version
@echo "version: $(APP_VERSION)"

## -- Conda targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

.PHONY: conda-install
conda-install: ## Install Conda on your local machine
@echo "Looking for [$(CONDA_TOOL)]..."; \
$(CONDA_TOOL) --version; \
if [ $$? != "0" ]; then \
echo " "; \
echo "Your defined Conda tool [$(CONDA_TOOL)] has not been found."; \
echo " "; \
echo "If you know you already have [$(CONDA_TOOL)] or some other Conda tool installed,"; \
echo "Check your [CONDA_TOOL] variable in the Makefile.private for typos."; \
echo " "; \
echo "If your conda tool has not been initiated through your .bashrc file,"; \
echo "consider using the full path to its executable instead when"; \
echo "defining your [CONDA_TOOL] variable"; \
echo " "; \
echo "If in doubt, don't install Conda and manually create and activate"; \
echo "your own Python environment."; \
echo " "; \
echo -n "Would you like to install Miniconda ? [y/N]: "; \
read ans; \
case $$ans in \
[Yy]*) \
echo "Fetching and installing miniconda"; \
echo " "; \
wget -O ~/; \
bash ~/ -b -p ${HOME}/.conda; \
export PATH=${HOME}/.conda/bin:$PATH; \
conda init; \
/usr/bin/rm ~/; \
;; \
*) \
echo "Skipping installation."; \
echo " "; \
;; \
esac; \
else \
echo "Conda tool [$(CONDA_TOOL)] has been found, skipping installation"; \

.PHONY: conda-create-env
conda-create-env: conda-install ## Create a local Conda environment based on `environment.yml` file
@$(CONDA_TOOL) env create -y -f environment.yml

.PHONY: conda-env-info
conda-env-info: ## Print information about active Conda environment using <CONDA_TOOL>
@$(CONDA_TOOL) info

.PHONY: _conda-poetry-install
$(CONDA_TOOL) run -n $(CONDA_ENVIRONMENT) $(CONDA_TOOL) install -y poetry; \

conda-poetry-install: ## Install Poetry in currently active Conda environment. Will fail if Conda is not found
@poetry --version; \
if [ $$? != "0" ]; then \
echo "Poetry not found, proceeding to install Poetry..."; \
echo "Looking for [$(CONDA_TOOL)]...";\
$(CONDA_TOOL) --version; \
if [ $$? != "0" ]; then \
echo "$(CONDA_TOOL) not found; Poetry will not be installed"; \
else \
echo "Installing Poetry with Conda in [$(CONDA_ENVIRONMENT)] environment"; \
make -s _conda-poetry-install; \
fi; \

.PHONY: conda-poetry-uninstall
conda-poetry-uninstall: ## Uninstall Poetry located in currently active Conda environment
$(CONDA_TOOL) run -n $(CONDA_ENVIRONMENT) $(CONDA_TOOL) remove poetry

.PHONY: conda-clean-env
conda-clean-env: ## Completely removes local project's Conda environment

## -- Poetry targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##

.PHONY: poetry-install-auto
poetry-install-auto: ## Install Poetry in activated Conda environment, or with pipx if Conda not found
@poetry --version; \
if [ $$? != "0" ]; then \
echo "Poetry not found, proceeding to install Poetry..."; \
echo "Looking for [$(CONDA_TOOL)]...";\
$(CONDA_TOOL) --version; \
if [ $$? != "0" ]; then \
echo "$(CONDA_TOOL) not found, trying with pipx"; \
pipx --version; \
if [ $$? != "0" ]; then \
echo "pipx not found; installing pipx"; \
pip install --user pipx; \
pipx ensurepath; \
fi; \
pipx install poetry; \
else \
echo "Installing poetry with Conda"; \
make -s _conda-poetry-install; \
fi; \

.PHONY: poetry-install
poetry-install: ## Install standalone Poetry using pipx and create Poetry env. Will install pipx if not found
@echo "Looking for Poetry version...";\
poetry --version; \
if [ $$? != "0" ]; then \
if [ "$(AUTO_INSTALL)" = "true" ]; then \
else \
echo""; \
echo -n "Would you like to install Poetry using pipx? (This will also install pipx if needed) [y/N]: "; \
read ans; \
fi; \
case $$ans in \
[Yy]*) \
pipx --version; \
if [ $$? != "0" ]; then \
echo "pipx not found; installing pipx"; \
pip install --user pipx; \
pipx ensurepath; \
fi; \
echo "Installing Poetry"; \
pipx install poetry; \
make -s poetry-create-env; \
;; \
*) \
echo "Skipping installation."; \
echo " "; \
;; \
esac; \

.PHONY: poetry-env-info
poetry-env-info: ## Information about the currently active environment used by Poetry
@poetry env info

.PHONY: poetry-create-env
poetry-create-env: ## Create a Poetry managed environment for the project (Outside of Conda environment).
@echo "Creating Poetry environment that will use Python $(PYTHON_VERSION)"; \
poetry env use $(PYTHON_VERSION); \
poetry env info
@echo "This environment can be accessed either by using the <poetry run YOUR COMMAND>"
@echo "command, or activated with the <poetry shell> command."
@echo "Use <poetry --help> and <poetry list> for more information"

.PHONY: poetry-remove-env
poetry-remove-env: ## Remove current project's Poetry managed environment.
@if [ "$(AUTO_INSTALL)" = "true" ]; then \
env_path=$$(poetry env info -p); \
env_name=$$(basename $$env_path); \
else \
echo""; \
env_path=$$(poetry env info -p); \
if [[ "$$env_path" != "" ]]; then \
echo "The following environment has been found for this project: "; \
env_name=$$(basename $$env_path); \
echo""; \
echo "Env name : $$env_name"; \
echo "PATH : $$env_path"; \
echo""; \
echo "If the active environment listed above is a Conda environment,"; \
echo "Choosing to delete it will have no effect; use the target <make conda-clean-env>"; \
echo""; \
echo -n "Would you like delete the environment listed above? [y/N]: "; \
read ans_env; \
else \
env_name="None"; \
env_path="None"; \
fi; \
fi; \
if [[ $$env_name != "None" ]]; then \
case $$ans_env in \
[Yy]*) \
poetry env remove $$env_name || echo "No environment was removed"; \
;; \
*) \
echo "No environment was found/provided - skipping environment deletion"; \
esac; \
fi; \

.PHONY: poetry-uninstall-pipx
poetry-uninstall-pipx: poetry-remove-env ## Uninstall pipx-installed Poetry, the created env and pipx
@if [ "$(AUTO_INSTALL)" = "true" ]; then \
else \
echo""; \
echo -n "Would you like to uninstall pipx-installed Poetry and pipx? [y/N]: "; \
read ans; \
fi; \
case $$ans in \
[Yy]*) \
pipx uninstall poetry; \
pip uninstall -y pipx; \
;; \
*) \
echo "Skipping uninstallation."; \
echo " "; \
;; \
esac; \

## -- Install targets (All install targets will install Poetry if not found using `make poetry-install-auto`)-------- ##

.PHONY: install
install: install-precommit ## Install the application package, developer dependencies and pre-commit hook

.PHONY: install-precommit
install-precommit: install-dev## Install the pre-commit hooks (also installs developer dependencies)
@if [ -f .git/hooks/pre-commit ]; then \
echo "Pre-commit hook found"; \
else \
echo "Pre-commit hook not found, proceeding to configure it"; \
poetry run pre-commit install; \

.PHONY: install-dev
install-dev: poetry-install-auto ## Install the application along with developer dependencies
@poetry install --with dev

.PHONY: install-with-lab
install-with-lab: poetry-install-auto ## Install the application and it's dev dependencies, including Jupyter Lab
@poetry install --with dev --with lab

.PHONY: install-package
install-package: poetry-install-auto ## Install the application package only
@poetry install

## -- Versioning targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

# Use the "dry" target for a dry-run version bump, ex.
# make bump-major dry
BUMP_ARGS ?= --verbose
ifeq ($(filter dry, $(MAKECMDGOALS)), dry)
BUMP_ARGS := $(BUMP_ARGS) --dry-run --allow-dirty

.PHONY: bump-major
bump-major: ## Bump application major version <X.0.0>
$(BUMP_TOOL) $(BUMP_ARGS) bump major

.PHONY: bump-minor
bump-minor: ## Bump application minor version <0.X.0>
$(BUMP_TOOL) $(BUMP_ARGS) bump minor

.PHONY: bump-patch
bump-patch: ## Bump application patch version <0.0.X>
$(BUMP_TOOL) $(BUMP_ARGS) bump patch

## -- Docker targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##

## -- Apptainer/Singularity targets --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

## -- Linting targets ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

.PHONY: check-lint
check-lint: ## Check code linting (black, isort, flake8, docformatter and pylint)
poetry run tox -e black,isort,flake8,docformatter,pylint

.PHONY: check-pylint
check-pylint: ## Check code with pylint
poetry run tox -e pylint

.PHONY: fix-lint
fix-lint: ## Fix code linting (black, isort, flynt, docformatter)
poetry run tox -e fix

.PHONY: precommit
precommit: ## Run Pre-commit on all files manually
poetry run tox -e precommit

## -- Tests targets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

.PHONY: test
test: ## Run all tests
poetry run tox -e test


.PHONY: test-marker
test-marker: ## Run tests using pytest markers. Ex. make test-tag TEST_ARGS="<marker>"
@if [ -n "$(TEST_ARGS)" ]; then \
poetry run tox -e test-custom -- -- $(MARKER_TEST_ARGS); \
else \
echo "" ; \
echo 'ERROR : Variable TEST_ARGS has not been set, please rerun the command like so :' ; \
echo "" ; \
echo ' make test-marker TEST_ARGS="<marker>"' ; \
echo "" ; \
.PHONY: test-specific
test-specific: ## Run specific tests using the -k option. Ex. make test-specific TEST_ARGS="<name-of-test>"
@if [ -n "$(TEST_ARGS)" ]; then \
poetry run tox -e test-custom -- -- $(SPECIFIC_TEST_ARGS); \
else \
echo "" ; \
echo 'ERROR : Variable TEST_ARGS has not been set, please rerun the command like so :' ; \
echo "" ; \
echo ' make test-specific TEST_ARGS="<name-of-the-test>"' ; \
echo "" ; \

.PHONY: test-custom
test-custom: ## Run tests with custom args. Ex. make test-custom TEST_ARGS="-m 'not offline'"
@if [ -n "$(TEST_ARGS)" ]; then \
poetry run tox -e test-custom -- -- $(CUSTOM_TEST_ARGS); \
else \
echo "" ; \
echo 'ERROR : Variable TEST_ARGS has not been set, please rerun the command like so :' ; \
echo "" ; \
echo ' make test-custom TEST_ARGS="<custom-args>"' ; \
echo "" ; \

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