This is a Spring Boot Microservice that aims to ensure valid communication between the Interface (React.js) and the Python microservices.
Ability To Provide an Image from the user side to predict its age ranging from Young - Middle Age - Old.
Ability To Train classifiers on sport KNN - SVM - ANN and save the desired models to be used in predication later on by the User.
Ability to Build you own custom Ensemble from the the models that you choose or Use the original Optimized Model.
This Project consist of 5 Microservices:
- Java (Spring Boot) Microservice
- Interface (React.js)
- Predictor Service (Python)
- Paramateric Trainer (Google Colab - Python)
- Non-Parametric Trainer (Python)
The Remaning four microservices are provided upon Request. The Project is still being optimized to be dockerized to avoid all kind of configuration installation.
Demo Link (To be further modified):