Picture an owner of a shipping company trying to study the logistics of their business; profit generated by a shipment would depend largely on the kind of good being transported, its origin, and itsdestination. With potentially infinite choices of delivery routes, the owner would likely be interestedin a finite, ideally minimal, description of possible profits.
This desire to model quantitative systems is what motivates the study of learning weighted finiteautomata (WFA). In fact, algorithms to design WFAs mimicking such systems boast applications inmany fields; for example, image processing [25, 30], speech recognition [29, 31, 35], speech synthesis[1, 38], phonological and morphological rule compilation [26, 27, 33], parsing [32], bioinformatics[2, 20], sequence modeling and prediction [19], formal verification [3], optical character recognition[16], and more.
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