Platform to collect data from allover the world.Data including "at the moment" physical condition, security statement, environmental judgements, crime activity, weather, and indicators of all sorts. Goal is to have a real time oversight on: Where are hotspots of hapyness, security, clear see, pollution and so on.
TOPTARGETS: Getting big companies to pay a sum to one or two ontributor each day, week month, year. Person will be determined by luck. Get paid from those companies by giving the opportunity to be seen as helping hands WORLDWIDE. People will pay attention because its very interesting to compare own situation to others!!
CONCLUSIONS: contributors will give information. The more contributors, the more companies will be on the platform. Increase of platform viewers, which leads to more contributors, more companies and so on!!
INPUT: Covid maps have the same input/output patterns my platform should generate. Decisions will be easier to make based the data. Who is interested in this project and earning money by participating??