CronEye is an open source tool to gain obervability into your APScheduler based jobs.
- Add a .env file in db folder based on the template.
- Add a .env file in api folder based on the template.
variable needs to be used by your application as aToken
based authentication header to call the listener APIs.ADMIN_EMAIL, ADMIN_PASSWORD
can be used to log into the CronEye application.- Ensure that postgres related variables are sames as the ones given in the previous step.
- Add a .flaskenv file in api folder based on the template.
- Update backend URLs in config.
Run docker compose for running databse, api and the client containers
docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
Fill the host fields with appropriate values and ensure Kustomize before deploying
kubectl apply -k ./k8s/
Add event api calls to your code so that appropriate payload is sent based on the event generated. Docs for the event listener api can be found at here