A wave-based co-op space ship combat game created for the Alt Cntrl Game Jam. The players control a ship moving through an asteroid field with enemies spawning and attacking them.
The game used 2 player co-op:
- Player 1 controls ship movement and is responsible for recharging energy
- Player 2 controls the turret and is responsible for shooting and shielding against enemy projectiles
Different weaons like a shotgun, machine gun and laser can be used on the player as well as the enemies that spawn based on dificulty.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFca2h5UBjs
Site: https://feratata.itch.io/eliptica
Shader graph was used for the shield and projectiles.
The controls were implemented on an arduino and later adapted to the keyboard and mouse.
Control was maintained through a series of knobs and buttons.
An LED matrix was used to display the thrust, orientation and current shield and health values.
W, S to control the thrust A, D to control orientation R to recharge energy Mouse to aim Left Click to fire Right Click to shield