released this
06 May 17:12
5786 commits
to 420
since this release
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Thank you so much to our RM Pro/Extreme Patreon supporters! Because of people like you, we are able to offer the best and most up-to-date Flipper Zero Firmware!
Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
- Rogue Master Merch!
For All F0 Accessories and Boards
- Keep Your Flipper Up To Date With PATREON membership
- PATREON for daily compiled releases for nearly ALL updates. GitHub releases will occur weekly or with OFW version updates.
- Contact me on Discord/Patreon to RENAME your Flipper or for GIF conversion for Flipper Zero
- 🔥 PATREON ANIMATION BUILDS AVAILABLE: ALL (For Preview Only), ANIMSWITCHER, 420, 420+18, Anime Only, Anime+420, Anime+420+18, BMO, CHERRY 18+, DBZ, Dolphin, HACKZ, ManifestSwitcher, MARIO, MARVEL, No Anim, ONE PIECE, P0KEMON, RM 18PLUS, RM SELECT, RM SELECT + 18PLUS, RM MINIMAL (default on GitHub), SAO, SCIENCE, SCIFI, SJUMP, SQUATCH, VIRUS, WATCHDOGS AND STOCK with all assets updated to look like stock. ANIMSWITCHER, Anime and RM Select builds are very large and can slow down F0.
- Supporters also get SD Card Assets zip file with extra NFC Assets such as Infrared remotes, NFC files, SubGHz files and 86 RM Pro Trained Level 50 Sm@sh Amiib0 (By RogueMaster)
- Last Synced/Checked OFW, changes in commits:
2024-05-06 09:00 EST
- Last Synced/Checked Unleashed, changes in changelog:
2024-05-06 09:00 EST
- Updated: Minesweeper Redux v1.5 (By squee72564)
- Updated: GPS v1.4 (By ezod)
Req: NMEA 0183
- Updated: PicoPass (iClass) v1.14 (By Bettse)
- Updated: ESP Flasher v1.5 (By 0xchocolate) (CMAKE Update)
- Updated: NFC Playlist v1.7 (By acegoal07)
- Archive: Favorite .mag files (By Willy-JL)
- Gui: Cleanup submenu/varitemlist code for PR to OFW (By Willy-JL)
- Archive: Favorite .img files (By Willy-JL)
- Updated: NFC Seader v2.8 (By bettse)
- OFW: PR: Mifare Plus detection support #3607 (By Astrrra)
- UL iButton: update DS1420 for latest ibutton changes (By xMasterX)
- UL NFC: add temp fix since no proper fix exist at the moment (By xMasterX)
- Added: MIDI RX v0.1 (By crackerjacques)
- Updated: Calendar TECHART v1.1 (By techartdev) (Version Only)
- Updated: BLE Spam v6.4 (By Willy-JL & ECTO-1A & Spooks4576 with research from xMasterX; OFW API thanks to noproto)
- Updated: MagSpoof v0.7 (By zacharyweiss)
- Updated: FindMy Flipper v3.5 (By MatthewKuKanich) FindMy: Fix battery level edge cases (eg. at boot) and cleanup (By Willy-JL)
- Added: Plugin Demo v1.0 (By csBlueChip)
- A few apps moved from GPIO into GPIO/Debug or Sensors. (By Willy-JL)
- A few apps moved from Tools into Tools/Educational. You may want to delete your apps folder to remove duplicates. (By RogueMaster)
- Updated: Pokemon Trading v1.8 (By EstebanFuentealba & kbembedded)
- Updated: POCSAG Pager v1.2 (By XMasterx & Shmuma)
- UL: Removed: OFW: PR: Mifare Plus detection support #3607 (By Astrrra) Till It Is Ready
- UL: ibutton and lfrfid small ui improvements (By xMasterX)
- Updated: Bluetooth/USB Remote v1.7 (By Cutch)-OFW Enhance Random Interval and Movement Functionality in HID Mouse Jiggler for Improved Stealth and Human-Like Behavior (By gushmazuko)
- UL: Electra intercom lfrfid protocol (By Leptopt1los)
- Updater: Gzipped resources (220% faster FW upload) + Updater improvements (By Willy-JL)
- UL: Electra fix protocol naming (By xMasterX)
- ESP Flasher resources updated (By Willy-JL) to include resources for flashing Wardriver, AirTag Scanner & Marauder for MultiBoardS3
- Updater: Flashlight v1.1 (By xMasterX)
- Updater: HEX Viewer v2.0 (By QtRoS)
- Updater: USB Mass Storage v1.3 (By nminaylov)
- Updater: Sub-GHz Playlist v1.0 (By darmiel)
- Updater: Sub-GHz Remote v1.3 (By gid9798)
- Infrared: Add AC model Pioneer Inverter (By djcas9)
- Updated: Flight Assault v0.3 (By evillero)
- Updated: Noptel LRF Sampler v1.7 (By Giraut)
- Updated: FlipperZero Clock v1.1 (By mdaskalov)
- Added 5 GITS Profile Pictures with thanks to Kuronons
- SubGHz: POCSAG, Weather Station & TPMS protocols removed from internal SubGHz and are still supported with their respective applications (By RogueMaster)
- SubGHz: Add new protocol: Hormann BiSecur (By user890104)
- Updated: Quac! v0.6 (By rdefeo)
- Added GITS Background Profile Picture with thanks to Kuronons