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Jacob edited this page Apr 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

This is a quick overview of the default lang.yml configuration.

This is the same for all different types of language version. The available languages are English

If you don't want a message to be sent, fully remove it from below or make it blank. The information below will be listed without any message text so you can be shown exactly what each identifier means.

en-Version: 1

This should NEVER be touched, modifying this will cause the en-lang.yml file to break and regenerate.

Prefix: '&7[&5SignUtils&7]'

This is the prefix that will be sent at the beginning of every single message sent in the language file.


These messages are specific to the plugin commands.


These are general messages sent from various command actions.


This is the message sent when the executing user did not send a proper plugin command, meaning the command does not exist.


This is the message sent when the plugin configuration files are successfully reloaded.


This is the message sent when the executing user is lacking the proper permissions for the plugin command.


This is the message that is sent when the executor is not a player, which means this command is not available for the console window.


This is the message sent when the %targetplayer% does not exist or was misspelled.


These messages are sent in relation to the /signutils updates command.


This is the message sent to the console window to log the %player% that requested to check for plugin updates.


This is the message sent to the console window to log the %player% that requested to force update the plugin.


These messages are sent in relation to creating and using utility signs.


These are general messages sent from various utility actions.


This is the message sent to the %player% when they have successfully created a utility sign.


This is the message sent to the %player%when they lack the permissions to create the specified utility sign.


This is the message sent to the %player% when the server does not have the %dependency% for the utility sign the %player% is trying to create.


These are messages specific to rank utility signs.


This is the first line of text that should be entered into the sign the %player% is trying to create. Changing this means you will have to enter this line of text (Excluding Color Codes) on the first line of the sign to create the rank utility sign.


This is the first message sent to the %player% when they interact with the rank utility sign. Lets the executor know the exact player name of the displayed group(s).


This is the second message sent to the %player% when they interact with the rank utility sign. Lets the player know the number of group(s) that the specified player is involved in.


This is the third message sent to the %player% when they interact with the rank utility sign. Lets the player know the exact group(s) names that the specified player is involved in.