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Add H->Q+gamma and H->QQ analyses
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RoccoA97 committed Sep 10, 2024
1 parent a910185 commit 5717ffb
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Showing 7 changed files with 2,258 additions and 0 deletions.
300 changes: 300 additions & 0 deletions L1TriggerScouting/Phase2/plugins/
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@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
#include <memory>
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/stream/EDProducer.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/StreamID.h"

#include "DataFormats/L1Scouting/interface/OrbitCollection.h"
#include "DataFormats/L1Scouting/interface/OrbitFlatTable.h"
#include "DataFormats/L1TParticleFlow/interface/L1ScoutingPuppi.h"
#include "DataFormats/L1TParticleFlow/interface/L1ScoutingTkEm.h"
#include "L1TriggerScouting/Utilities/interface/BxOffsetsFiller.h"

#include <ROOT/RVec.hxx>
#include <Math/Vector4D.h>
#include <Math/GenVector/LorentzVector.h>
#include <Math/GenVector/PtEtaPhiM4D.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <iostream>

class ScPhase2PuppiH2PhiDemo : public edm::stream::EDProducer<> {
explicit ScPhase2PuppiH2PhiDemo(const edm::ParameterSet &);
~ScPhase2PuppiH2PhiDemo() override;
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions);

void beginStream(edm::StreamID) override;
void produce(edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override;
void endStream() override;
template <typename T>
void runObj(const OrbitCollection<T> &src,
edm::Event &out,
unsigned long &nTry,
unsigned long &nPass,
const std::string &bxLabel);

bool doStruct_;
edm::EDGetTokenT<OrbitCollection<l1Scouting::Puppi>> structToken_;

struct Cuts {
float minptD = 5;
float minptQ = 10;
float maxdeltarD2 = 0.40 * 0.40;
float minmassH = 100;
float maxmassH = 150;
float minmassQ = 0.95;
float maxmassQ = 1.25;
float mindr2 = 0.05 * 0.05;
float maxdr2 = 0.25 * 0.25;
float maxiso = 0.25;
} cuts;

template <typename T>
bool isolationQ(
unsigned int pidex1, unsigned int pidex2, const T *cands, unsigned int size) const;

std::tuple<bool, float> deltar(float eta1, float eta2, float phi1, float phi2) const;

template <typename T>
static float pairmass(const std::array<unsigned int, 2> &t, const T *cands, const std::array<float, 2> &massD);

template <typename T>
static float quadrupletmass(const std::array<unsigned int, 4> &t, const T *cands, const std::array<float, 4> &massD);

unsigned long countStruct_;
unsigned long passStruct_;

ScPhase2PuppiH2PhiDemo::ScPhase2PuppiH2PhiDemo(const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
: doStruct_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("runStruct")) {
if (doStruct_) {
structToken_ = consumes<OrbitCollection<l1Scouting::Puppi>>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("src"));


void ScPhase2PuppiH2PhiDemo::beginStream(edm::StreamID) {
countStruct_ = 0;
passStruct_ = 0;

void ScPhase2PuppiH2PhiDemo::produce(edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) {
if (doStruct_) {
edm::Handle<OrbitCollection<l1Scouting::Puppi>> src;
iEvent.getByToken(structToken_, src);

runObj(*src, iEvent, countStruct_, passStruct_, "");

void ScPhase2PuppiH2PhiDemo::endStream() {
if (doStruct_)
std::cout << "H2Phi Struct analysis: " << countStruct_ << " -> " << passStruct_ << std::endl;

template <typename T>
void ScPhase2PuppiH2PhiDemo::runObj(const OrbitCollection<T> &src,
edm::Event &iEvent,
unsigned long &nTry,
unsigned long &nPass,
const std::string &label) {
l1ScoutingRun3::BxOffsetsFillter bxOffsetsFiller;
auto ret = std::make_unique<std::vector<unsigned>>();
std::vector<float> masses;
std::vector<uint8_t> i0s, i1s, i2s, i3s;
ROOT::RVec<unsigned int> ix; //
std::array<unsigned int, 2> bestPair1, bestPair2;
bool bestPair1Found, bestPair2Found;
float bestPair1Score, bestPair2Score;
for (unsigned int bx = 1; bx <= OrbitCollection<T>::NBX; ++bx) {
auto range = src.bxIterator(bx);
const T *cands = &range.front();
auto size = range.size();

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { //make list of all hadrons
if ((std::abs(cands[i].pdgId()) == 211 or std::abs(cands[i].pdgId()) == 11)) {
if (cands[i].pt() >= cuts.minptD)
unsigned int ndaus = ix.size();
if (ndaus < 4)

// Q1 candidate from closest OS pair with mass compatible with mQ
bestPair1Found = false;
bestPair1Score = 999;
for (unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 < ndaus; ++i1) {
if (cands[ix[i1]].pt() < cuts.minptD)
continue; // D1 pt cut
for (unsigned int i2 = 0; i2 < ndaus; ++i2) {
if (i2 == i1 || cands[ix[i2]].pt() < cuts.minptD)
continue; // D2 pt cut

if (!(cands[ix[i1]].charge()*cands[ix[i2]].charge() < 0))

auto mass2 = pairmass({{ix[i1], ix[i2]}}, cands, {{0.4937, 0.4937}});
if (mass2 >= cuts.minmassQ and mass2 <= cuts.maxmassQ)

auto [drcond, drQ] = deltar(cands[ix[i1]].eta(), cands[ix[i2]].eta(), cands[ix[i1]].phi(), cands[ix[i2]].phi());
if (!drcond)
continue; // angular sep of top 2 tracks

std::array<unsigned int, 2> pair{{ix[i1], ix[i2]}}; // pair of indices
if (drQ < bestPair1Score) {
std::copy_n(pair.begin(), 2, bestPair1.begin());
bestPair1Score = drQ;
if (bestPair1Score*bestPair1Score < cuts.maxdeltarD2)
bestPair1Found = true;
if (!bestPair1Found)
continue; // pair was found
auto ptQ = (cands[bestPair1[0]].p4() + cands[bestPair1[1]].p4()).pt();
if (ptQ < cuts.minptQ)
continue; // Q pt
if (!isolationQ(bestPair1[0], bestPair1[1], cands, size))
continue; // Q isolation

// Q2 candidate from closest OS pair with mass compatible with mQ
bestPair2Found = false;
bestPair2Score = 999;
for (unsigned int i3 = 0; i3 < ndaus; ++i3) {
if (cands[ix[i3]].pt() < cuts.minptD)
continue; // D1 pt cut
if (ix[i3]==bestPair1[0] or ix[i3]==bestPair1[1])
continue; // don't reuse candidates from previous pair
for (unsigned int i4 = 0; i4 < ndaus; ++i4) {
if (i4 == i3 || cands[ix[i4]].pt() < cuts.minptD)
continue; // D2 pt cut
if (ix[i4]==bestPair1[0] or ix[i4]==bestPair1[1])
continue; // don't reuse candidates from previous pair
if (!(cands[ix[i3]].charge()*cands[ix[i4]].charge() < 0))
continue; // OS pair
auto mass2 = pairmass({{ix[i3], ix[i4]}}, cands, {{0.4937, 0.4937}}); // (cands[ix[i3]].p4() + cands[ix[i4]].p4()).mass();
if (mass2 >= cuts.minmassQ and mass2 <= cuts.maxmassQ)
continue; // Q mass
auto [drcond, drQ] = deltar(cands[ix[i3]].eta(), cands[ix[i4]].eta(), cands[ix[i3]].phi(), cands[ix[i4]].phi());
if (!drcond)
continue; // angular sep of top 2 tracks

std::array<unsigned int, 2> pair{{ix[i3], ix[i4]}}; // pair of indices
if (drQ < bestPair2Score) {
std::copy_n(pair.begin(), 2, bestPair2.begin());
bestPair2Score = drQ;
if (bestPair2Score*bestPair2Score < cuts.maxdeltarD2)
bestPair2Found = true;
if (!bestPair2Found)
continue; // pair was found
ptQ = (cands[bestPair2[0]].p4() + cands[bestPair2[1]].p4()).pt();
if (ptQ < cuts.minptQ)
continue; // Q pt
if (!isolationQ(bestPair2[0], bestPair2[1], cands, size))
continue; // Q isolation

std::array<unsigned int, 4> bestQuadruplet{{bestPair1[0], bestPair1[1], bestPair2[0], bestPair2[1]}};
// H mass
auto mass = quadrupletmass(bestQuadruplet, cands, {{0.4937, 0.4937, 0.4937, 0.4937}});
if (!(mass >= cuts.minmassH and mass <= cuts.maxmassH))

bxOffsetsFiller.addBx(bx, 1);
} // loop on BXs

iEvent.put(std::move(ret), "selectedBx" + label);
// now we make the table
auto bxOffsets = bxOffsetsFiller.done();
auto tab = std::make_unique<l1ScoutingRun3::OrbitFlatTable>(bxOffsets, "H2Phi" + label, true);
tab->addColumn<float>("mass", masses, "4 kaons invariant mass");
tab->addColumn<uint8_t>("i0", i0s, "1st kaon (phi1)");
tab->addColumn<uint8_t>("i1", i1s, "2nd kaon (phi1)");
tab->addColumn<uint8_t>("i2", i2s, "1st kaon (phi2)");
tab->addColumn<uint8_t>("i3", i3s, "2nd kaon (phi2)");
iEvent.put(std::move(tab), "h2phi" + label);

//TEST functions
template <typename T>
bool ScPhase2PuppiH2PhiDemo::isolationQ(
unsigned int pidex1, unsigned int pidex2, const T *cands, unsigned int size) const {
bool passed = false;
float psum = 0;
float eta = cands[pidex1].eta(); //center cone around leading track
float phi = cands[pidex1].phi();
for (unsigned int j = 0u; j < size; ++j) { //loop over other particles
if (pidex1 == j or pidex2 == j)
float deta = eta - cands[j].eta(), dphi = ROOT::VecOps::DeltaPhi<float>(phi, cands[j].phi());
float dr2 = deta * deta + dphi * dphi;
if (dr2 >= cuts.mindr2 && dr2 <= cuts.maxdr2)
psum += cands[j].pt();
if (psum <= cuts.maxiso * (cands[pidex1].pt() + cands[pidex2].pt()))
passed = true;
return passed;

std::tuple<bool, float> ScPhase2PuppiH2PhiDemo::deltar(float eta1, float eta2, float phi1, float phi2) const {
bool passed = true;
float deta = eta1 - eta2;
float dphi = ROOT::VecOps::DeltaPhi<float>(phi1, phi2);
float dr2 = deta * deta + dphi * dphi;
if (dr2 > cuts.maxdeltarD2) {
passed = false;
return std::tuple(passed, dr2);
return std::tuple(passed, dr2);

template <typename T>
float ScPhase2PuppiH2PhiDemo::pairmass(const std::array<unsigned int, 2> &t,
const T *cands,
const std::array<float, 2> &massD) {
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector p1(cands[t[0]].pt(), cands[t[0]].eta(), cands[t[0]].phi(), massD[0]);
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector p2(cands[t[1]].pt(), cands[t[1]].eta(), cands[t[1]].phi(), massD[1]);
float mass = (p1 + p2).M();
return mass;

template <typename T>
float ScPhase2PuppiH2PhiDemo::quadrupletmass(const std::array<unsigned int, 4> &t,
const T *cands,
const std::array<float, 4> &massD) {
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector p1(cands[t[0]].pt(), cands[t[0]].eta(), cands[t[0]].phi(), massD[0]);
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector p2(cands[t[1]].pt(), cands[t[1]].eta(), cands[t[1]].phi(), massD[1]);
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector p3(cands[t[2]].pt(), cands[t[2]].eta(), cands[t[2]].phi(), massD[2]);
ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector p4(cands[t[3]].pt(), cands[t[3]].eta(), cands[t[3]].phi(), massD[3]);
float mass = (p1 + p2 + p3 + p4).M();
return mass;

void ScPhase2PuppiH2PhiDemo::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions) {
edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;


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