This is a student project for the course, DevOps, Software Evolution and Software Maintenance, at ITU. The project is an implementation of the minitwit application
Node + express + prisma + vagrant + docker
- docker
- node && npm
Clone the repo.
Create and populate
with appropriate values in the root of the project.Currently, the .env file will have to be populated in the following way:
TARGET= # sets docker image build target, valid values: development, production DATABASE_URL="postgresql://[user[:password]@][netloc][:port][/dbname][?param1=value1&...]" SESSION_SECRET= # session store secret, must be set. use random value for development
Choose whether to build locally or in a container.
Use the following connection string for containerized development in the .env
file you created:
Build and start containers:
docker compose up --build -d
Seed the db server in the container:
docker exec maxitwitserver npm run seed
To remove the containers:
docker compose down
To run the application locally:
npm install
npm run devstart
- Builds test containers
- Runs pytest against them.
npm run test
Make a feature branch and make your changes.
Stage your changes.
CLI tool to format your commit message to the standardExample:
git checkout -b feature/<my-feature-branch> git status $ modified: Dockerfile.api git add Dockerfile.api npm run cz
Open a pull request.
This README is compliant with the Standard README spec.