TODO: write tests
A small program I made to easily compile and run your C programs with GCC.
Currently, you can compile and execute your C programs in a bash terminal with one command. There are options for flags such as --sudo, which lets you run the command with elevated priviledges. You can include arguments when executing a function if the program you are running requires arguments to be passed to it.
run {flagsToEasyGCC} {fileName} {argumentsToProgram}
flagsToEasyGCC ==> These are the flags for the utility, not for the program you are trying to compile and execute.
argumentsToProgram ==> These are the space separated arguments and flags for the program you are trying to compile and execute.
==> allows you to compile and execute the program as superuser
cd /usr/local/bin
sudo git clone
cd easy_gcc_compile
sudo gcc run.c -o run
sudo echo "export PATH=\"$PATH:/usr/local/bin/easy_gcc/\"" >> ~/.bashrc
(haven't tried on Windows yet so will add later)