Zezere is a provisioning server for Fedora IoT. It can be used for deploying Fedora IoT to devices without needing a physical console.
It is still under development.
The easiest way to run Zezere is to run the official container and authenticate with OpenID Connect:
$ docker run --detach --rm --name zezere \
-e OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID=<client id> \
-e OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET=<client secret> \
-e OIDC_OP_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT=<authorization endpoint> \
-e OIDC_OP_TOKEN_ENDPOINT=<token endpoint> \
-e OIDC_OP_USER_ENDPOINT=<userinfo endpoint> \
-e OIDC_OP_JWKS_ENDPOINT=<jwks endpoint> \
-e AUTH_METHOD=oidc \
-e SECRET_KEY=localtest \
-e ALLOWED_HOSTS=localhost \
-p 8080:8080 \
-t quay.io/fedora-iot/zezere:latest
The default signing algorithm is RS256
but it can also be controlled with the
environment variable OIDC_OP_SIGN_ALGO
If you're using any Python virtual environment you might want to setup that first. With conda it would look something like this:
$ conda create --name zezere && conda activate zezere
We also want to run Python 3 (at the time of writing it was 3.9.1):
$ conda install python=3
Before you can install the python requirements you need to have Apache httpd installed. Please follow instructions from mod-wsgi project documentation
After the prequisites have been met we can install required packages:
$ pip install .
Before using the zezere-manage
tool, database and models needs to be migrated
and a configuration needs to be created.
Synchronize the database state with the current set of models and migrations:
$ python manage.py migrate
Default configuration can be used as a base:
$ cp zezere/default.conf ./zezere.conf
Authentication method and secret key needs to be set in order to satisfy the tool. Also, make sure that the allowed_hosts is what you want.
allowed_hosts = localhost
secret_key = very-secret
auth_method = local
Now we can create a superuser:
$ zezere-manage createsuperuser --username admin --email [email protected]
After a password has been set, we are ready to run Zezere:
Use the admin credentials we created to login to localhost:8080
Setting up a Device with Zezere :: Fedora Docs
When you want to provision a device against your local Zezere like in the documentation the easiest way is to use the kernel command line. Before a better documentation is written, please refer to this commit
The easiest way to test this with a Fedora IoT device you might have in the same network is to make a temporary change to the GRUB 2 menu
In order to start contributing to the project, please visit Contribute to Fedora IoT Edition :: Fedora Docs