Unofficial client for It supports offline work without an account, synchronization, search and so on.

- Language: Kotlin
- Architecture: MVI
- Network: OkHttp, Retrofit, Coil
- Async: Coroutines, Flow
- Local data: cryptoSharedPreferences, MemoryCache, Room
- Api:
- DI: Hilt
- Presentation Layer: Compose
- Login, access token, refresh access token, database initialization.
- Explore screen.
- Detailed item list.
- Ranking lists, in-memory rank caching.
- Personal anime list, offline-first work for personal list, merge synchronization.
- Profile.
- Search with remote api.
- Settings and additional info screen.
- Suggestions list.
- Edit personal anime status screen.
- Onboarding screen.
- Unauthorized work.
- Animatable login screen.
- Share anime and images, save images to gallery.
- Navigation history.
- Ranking lists database caching.
- Persistence sorting in personal anime list.
- Endless lists filtered by genre.