Implementation of a proveably random smart contract lottery.
- User enter by paying (a minimum) for a ticket
- The ticket fees are going to the winner after drawn.
- After X period of time, the lottery will automatically draw a winner.
- This will be done programatically.
- Uses Chainlink VRM and Chainlink Automation --
- Chainlink VRF for randomness
- Chainlink Automation for time-based trigger to draw winner
- Write some deploy scripts
- Write our tests
- work on a local chain
- work on a forked testnet
- work on a forked mainnet
// Layout of Contract:
// license identifier
// version
// imports
// errors
// interfaces, libraries, contracts
// Type declarations
// State variables
// Events
// Modifiers
// Functions
// Layout of Functions:
// constructor
// receive function (if exists)
// fallback function (if exists)
// external
// public
// internal
// private
// internal & private view & pure functions
// external & public view & pure functions