Rhoeby is a ROS-enabled hexapod robot based on the (customized) Robotis Bioloid kit. It supports SLAM, Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance using low-cost, light-weight 2D Scanning technology available from Rhoeby Dynamics (see website: http://wwww.rhoeby.com).
- Robotis Bioloid "Spider" chassis with custom legs
- Robotis Cm9.04 MCU board
- Nexus 4 phone provides IMU (and tele-prescence camera!)
- Rhoeby Dynamics R2D Infra-Red LiDAR Scanner
- Bluetooth link to robot for command and status back
- Remote laptop running ROS Indigo
- 3-DOF Inverse Kinematic leg control
- Holonomic-capable gait
- Odometric feedback
- ROS node for robot control
ROS driver code on github:
CM9.04 binary on github:
ROS Package installation:
install robot_pose_ekf
copy hexapod_ros into catkin workspace
do 'catkin_make'
Download SensoDuino app to phone (Nexus 4, or other Android device), see:
- Start roscore:
- Connect to phone (after starting SensoDuino):
sdptool add --channel=22 SP rfcomm listen /dev/rfcomm1 22
- Run the hexapod_ros node:
rosrun hexapod_ros hexapod_ros
- Start gmapping (for example):
roslaunch src/hexapod_ros/launch/gmapping.launch model:=src/hexapod_ros/urdf/hexapod_01.urdf