The last available Installation instructions are accessible here :
The recommended operating system to run this version of the software is Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish
using other OS might result on issues with some of the
packages required.
First of all, you will need to install required packages:
sudo apt-get install gcc cmake git libtinyxml-dev libncurses5-dev php php-cli php-xml libv4l-dev gnuplot-qt python3-pip python3-empy python3-setuptools python3-nose chrpath ffmpeg libudev-dev libsfml-dev libconsole-bridge-dev freeglut3-dev libx11-dev libxrandr-dev libfreetype6-dev libjsoncpp-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libgtest-dev libtclap-dev qt5-default qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5webkit5 libopencv-dev liburdfdom-dev ninja-build # required packages
To use BlackFly cameras from FLIR, you have to install their software. First clone this repository outside of the workspace folder:
git clone
And run the install script:
cd flycapture
sudo ./
Maybe there will be issues with apt packages, in this case, run:
sudo apt --fix-broken install
And try again (you might need to repeat the last step 2 or 3 times)
ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python #maybe a bad idea
echo MAKEFLAGS="-j8" >> ~/.bashrc # or .zshrc, -j8 because my pc has 8 threads
source ~/.bashrc # re-source the bashrc after updating
La variable MAKEFLAGS permet de passer des arguments supplémentaires au compilateur GCC lors d’un make. Ici on dit au compilateur d’utiliser 8 threads (il est conseillé de prévoir 2Go de RAM par thread), adaptez la valeur en fonction de votre configuration. L’utilisation de plusieurs threads accélère grandement la compilation.
Install OpenVINO for Ubuntu:
Don't forget to add to your bashrc and you can comment the last line of code, so that you don't see the initialization message at each bash startup.
If the website is not available for the OpenVino 2023.0 version :
- Create the /opt/intel folder for OpenVINO by using the following command. If the folder already exists, skip this step.
sudo mkdir /opt/intel
- Browse to Donwload or a temp folder:
cd <user_home>/Downloads
- Download the OpenVINO Runtime archive file for your system, extract the files, rename the extracted folder and move it to the desired path:
curl -L --output openvino_2023.0.0.tgz
tar -xf openvino_2023.0.0.tgz
sudo mv l_openvino_toolkit_ubuntu22_2023.0.0.10926.b4452d56304_x86_64 /opt/intel/openvino_2023.0.0
- Install required system dependencies on Linux. To do this, OpenVINO provides a script in the extracted installation directory. Run the following command:
cd /opt/intel/openvino_2023.0.0
sudo -E ./install_dependencies/
- For simplicity, it is useful to create a symbolic link as below:
cd /opt/intel
sudo ln -s openvino_2023.0.0 openvino_2023
- Add OpenVino to your bashrc
echo source /opt/intel/openvino_2023/ >> ~/.bashrc # or .zshrc
Since the wks
manager handle dozens of repositories at once, it is much
more convenient to use SSH keys. If you don't have a one, generate one using:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Sign in on your GitHub account and go to Settings, and then "SSH and GPG
keys". Click "New SSH key" and copy the content of .ssh/
in the key
field, choose any name you want and validate the new key.
First, install wks
python -m pip install pip --upgrade # update pip
sudo pip install wks # workspace manager
Then clone workspace :
# recommandé dans ~home, mais peut se faire n'importe où
git clone
cd workspace
And then run:
wks install rhoban/kid_size
This will install the upstream repositories. You can now build using:
wks build
Binaries are built in build/bin
Run this command to add all rhoban binaries to your $PATH
cd ~/workspace &&
echo export "PATH=\"\$PATH:$PWD/build/bin\"" >> ~/.bashrc # or .zshrc
Don't forget to re-run the shell to have the change applied. Once you build the rhoban tools, you should be able to use them without specifying the full path.
Même si KidSize peut être exécuté n’importe où, l’endroit où il est lancé est important.
Les fichiers d’environnement .json
situés dans workspace/env
sont vitaux au fonctionnement de KidSize car ils contiennent les valeurs d’initialisation du programme.
Par exemple, pour lancer un robot “fake”, il suffit d’aller dans le répertoire ~/workspace/env/fake
et de lancer KidSize -n
dans le terminal. (-n
permet de lancer KidSize sans caméra)
Dans mon cas, il a été nécessaire de créer un lien symbolique de ~/workspace/env/fake/calibration.json
vers ~/workspace/env/common/default_calibration.json
avec la commande suivante, depuis workspace/env
# in workspace/env/fake
ln -s ../common/default_calibration.json calibration.json
To pull all the repositories:
wks pull
To build:
wks build
To build (debug), manually create a build_debug
directory and simply run cmake ../src
then edit the proper CMakeCache variables using ccmake .
to set the build type to DEBUG
To build just a specific package:
wks build [package]
Have a look at wks documentation for more details about how dependencies are handled.
Run the following to build the program:
wks build KidSize
Our robots communicate with the
ip address, so you need to configure your computer to a compatible static address like
It is strongly recommended that you add your private key to the robot. By copying the content of .ssh/
in the .ssh/authorized_keys
inside the robot.
This will deploy the program on the robot:
This will remotely run the program on the robot
All of this commands have to be issued while located in the env/fake
In order to work with a specific log, use:
./ <path_to_log>
This command also set the serial_number of the tracker of the robot if available
in the metadata.json
It is possible to extract ground truth based on multiple logs with HTC Vive tracker
ln -sf ../common/vive_roi_extractor.json vision_config.json ./ ...
In this case, all the data will be placed in the folder vive_data
. It is
important not to rewind the video (using key 'p') or update it stationary (using
key 'u') while you extracting log data, because it has a risk of duplicating data.
If you want to investigate on vive issues
It is possible to collect them in compressed tar.gz
files to send them on
distant servers faster:
This command will use the data in the folder vive_data
. The patches used for
classification will be stored in file classification_data.tar.gz
and the
images with the position of the objects will be stored in
This procedure is still evolving yet and will be made public along with data soon.
The code allowing to display the robot with pybullet
can be cloned outside of workspace:
git clone [email protected]:rhoban/sigmaban_pybullet.git
It requires some dependencies
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install -U zmq pybullet numpy protobuf
In order to use it, you have to enable publishing of the model using RhIO: set model/publish=true
Then you can launch the viewer from the sigmaban_pybullet folder
The rhoban monitoring tool can be installed as following:
./workspace install rhoban/qt_monitoring
In order to view a game in progress, move to the folder where you want to write the log and use the following command:
rhoban_monitoring -l
A folder with a name based on current date will be created. You can replay it by moving in the folder and running:
rhoban_monitoring -r
For custom execution and extended options (name of the robots, cameras, etc...),
you can edit a json configuration file (examples available in the
repository) and launch the element as follows:
rhoban_monitoring -m manager.json
Documentation: doc/
The code used to train multi-class DNN classifiers is independent from workspace and can be found on:
- for use
- for rhoban developers