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leecher1337/ntvdmx64#65 (comment) Just to clarify what's what:
OpenNT: the name of the project that no longer exists
old-src: the original hack-job to build the leaked NT 4 source code as is with minimal amount of changes; it comes with its own build environment. I referred to it as old/obsolete because the original plan was to get all the components refactored into the MinNT and other component-specific repositories, as the original NT 4 source tree is just a big mess.
MinNT (Minimal NT): initiative to isolate only the essential core components (such as kernel and subsystems) out of the leaked NT 4 source code and refactor them to NT 5.1-esque source tree; the MinNT repository does not come with its own build environment and uses NTOSBE as its build environment.
NTOSBE (NT Operating System Build Environment): the unified build environment for OpenNT Project. The main goal was to provide single unified build environment that can be used to build all OpenNT components (not including then-declared-obsolete old-src, of course). 🚀