- Researchers are potentially; faculty, staff, post-docs, graduate students, undergrads involved in research.
- HPC is High Performance Computing. This implies speed, not any particular architecture.
- Researchers have needs for both parallel and serial processing.
- Digestable size - short 2-3hrs. maximum
- Free (Maybe even provide food)
- Regular - offered as often as needed
- Deliver a product/concept/tool that can be immediately implemented in the researchers development workflow
- Supporting documentation freely available
- Encourage self guided and peer-to-peer learning
- Live demonstrations with all the flaws - No Hand Waving
- Open Source
- Open Access
Workshop/Concept Titles
Linux: Basics
- Taught: once a semester
- A laptop with ssh provided or bring your own.
- Isilon storage has to be requested and approved in advance
- default shell changed to bash prior to workshop
Linux: Command line Deep Dive
- Taught: once a month as an open workshop
- A laptop with ssh provided by BIT or bring your own.
- A sandbox supplied by BIT
- default shell changed to Bash prior to workshop
Linux: String Manipulation
- grep, sed, awk
Linux: Job Management
- Logs
- Checkpoints
- Performance troubleshooting / tuning
Machine Resources & Software Development Best Practices
- HPC Architectures
- How to identify the right place to run your computation
- Bottleneck types
- Documentation methods
- Testing and debugging
- From raw data to graph, programmatically
Data & Code Management
- Taught: once a month as an open workshop
- Directory Structure
- Data Workflows
- Workgroup collaboration tools
- A GitHub repository cloned locally
- A BitBucket repository cloned locally
Possible future topics
- Jump into Python
- Jump into R
- Jump start into PBS & SLRUM
- Jump start into BigRam, BioCrunch, BIT resources
- Serial processing
- Parallel processing
- Accelerators
- Regular Open Workshop Time
- Databases and SQL
- Taught: once a month as an open workshop
- A laptop with SSH and GIT, provided by BIT or bring your own.
- A MySQL sandbox supplied by BIT or bring your own.
- default shell changed to Bash prior to workshop
- Relational use cases
- NoSQL use cases
Potential Instructors
Categories - The ontology of your content
Research, Academic, Research IT, Information Technology, IT, HPC, High Peformance Computing, Workshop, Isilon
SSH, Bash, Shell, Isilon, Git, SQL, MySQL, DB, data, R, Python, CyEnce, CONDO, BigRam, BioCrunch, BIT, RIT,