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We use MkDocs together with the material theme, mike and Slate to build our developer documentation.

Local setup

Run MkDocs

Run it via mkdocs serve

Install additional plugins

  • Create a virtual environment as described in local setup.
  • Install new plugins
  • Update requirements.txt via pip freeze > requirements.txt

Navigation structure

We use the awesome pages plugin for the navigation definition.

API Versioning

In the GitHub Action we use widdershins to generate md-files out of all swagger JSON documents found in the swagger-definitions folder. Then we use Slate to generate static pages with our API definitions. Afterwards we build MkDocs and the API will be included in the API folder. To update the swagger-definitions you need to execute the dl-swagger script in the scripts folder.

Build Instructions

Change recomended version

Use mike set-default --push [version] to modify the index.html file in gh-pages. This will define which version will be displayed per default to the user.

Add new version

Create a new branch with the pattern v*.* and GitHub Actions will start a build and deploy the new branch to gh-pages.

Update a version

Just modify any existing branch and GitHub Actions will start a build and deploy the updated branch to gh-pages.

Generating API docs locally

The steps described above are just about running an instance of mkdocs. But if you want to generate and see how the actual documentation looks, you need to do some additional steps.


Ensure that you have following software installed:

  • Python 3
  • node and npm (tested on node-v14.15.5 and npm-6.14.11)
  • Ruby (>= 2.5)

Important for macOS users

In case of installation on OSX (macOS), you additionally would need to install findutils (brew install findutils) to get xargs in .sh files work. Also you will need to launch scripts (if provided) instead of scripts.

Installation & generation

Environment setup
  • Install widdershins globally by launching npm install -g widdershins
  • Remove slate directory in your locally cloned project dir
  • In root project dir clone RemoteCloud/slate repository, so slate directory will be created again
  • Run bundle install in slate directory to install required packages for slate
  • Add execution rights to each script in scripts directory by performing chmod +x on each of them (or just chmod +x *.sh)
Download swagger definitions

In this step you will fetch all API definitions in JSON file and preserve them in swagger-definitions directory.

In scripts directory run:


During execution of the script you will need to provide the base url of the ApiGateway instance on environment, that contains the latest API definitions. For Maranics Nightly it would be, for your local instance - depending on the host:port, specified for ApiGateway application.

Run documentation generation

In this step you will convert JSON files to .md files using widdershins library. The output will be used for static asset generation for slate

In scripts directory run:


Note that if you're macOS user you should use local-api-generation-osx script.

Run static asset generation

When documentation files are generated, you should run slate bundler to collect and build actual HTML pages that will be shown in mkdocs.

In scripts directory run:


During execution, all previously generated .md contents will be transformed to static assets to be served by mkdocs.


After steps are done, just run mkdocs serve in mkdocs dir and you should be able to open and see actual API documentation