Getting your dream Data Science Job is a great motivation for developing a Data Science Roadmap. How do you develop a Roadmap without knowing the relevant skills and tools to Learn. In this project, I will explore over 800 Data Science Job postings in Canada. The data used was collected from postings on Glassdoor and Indeed in early June, 2021.
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pip install requirements.txt
- Stage 1: Scraping Data using selenium - Run and to scrape jobs.
- Stage 2: Performed Exploratory Data analysis in EDA.ipynb
- Stage 3: Performed Rule Based Skill Extraction using Spacy in skill_extraction.ipynb
- Stage 4: Training and testing skill extraction LSTM model in job_skills_prediction.ipynb
- Stage 5: Use saved LSTM and Rule-Based model to predict unseen text (i.e. Text that was not in the dataset) in job_skills_extraction_pipeline.ipynb
- Stage 6: Streamlit deployment code in
To run locally - streamlit run
You can find the Demo here.
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