A batch tool that adds images and dates to existing PDF files.
$ PdfBatchSign.exe -p . -s C:\signature.jpg
$ PdfBatchSign.exe -p "C:\Long Path\To\Pdfs" -s C:\signature.png
The most extensive way to call the tool is by using a command like:
$ PdfBatchSign.exe -p C:\Pdfs -s C:\signature.png -n output -d 20-6-2019 -i 100,200 -j 200,150 -h 20 -v
For additional convenience, a command builder has been added. Just open the CommandBuilder.bat
This script asks questions based on the tool's input and eventually executes the command.
PdfBatchSign.exe --help
provides more information:
Copyright c 2019
-p, --path Required. Path with PDF files to process.
-s, --signature Required. Path to the image of the signature which will be added to the PDF files.
-n, --name (Default: Signed) Output folder name.
-d, --date The date to add to the PDF file, defaults to today's date.
-i, --signatureposition (Default: 150 430) The X- and Y-position of the image, relative to the left-bottom of the
page. Separated by a comma (e.g. 150,430).
-j, --dateposition (Default: 150 412) The X- and Y-position of the date, relative to the left-bottom of the
page. Separated by a comma (e.g. 150,412).
-h, --allowedimageheight (Default: 30) The maximum height of the signature image, the image will be scaled
-v, --verbose Set output to verbose messages.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.