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fentoboardimage takes a Fen string representing a Chess position, and renders a PIL image of the resulting position.


Examples can be found under the examples folder in this repository. Further examples can be found within tests/

You can customize:

  • the size and color of the board
  • piece sprites
  • black or white perspective
  • Board highlighting for last move
  • Arrows


Install the package using pip

$ pip install fentoboardimage

Then import the fenToImage and loadPiecesFolder functions and use them as follows:

from fentoboardimage import fenToImage, loadPiecesFolder

boardImage = fenToImage(
	fen="rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1",

In order to load a piece set, the pieces must follow this file structure, and must be a .png:

    - Knight.png
    - Rook.png
    - Pawn.png
    - Bishop.png
    - Queen.png
    - King.png
    - Knight.png
    - Rook.png
    - Pawn.png
    - Bishop.png
    - Queen.png
    - King.png

In order to load an arrow set, the images must follow this file structure, and must be a .png:

- arrow_set_name
  - Knight.png
  - Up.png
  • Knight.png is a 3:2 aspect ratio .png image containing an arrow pointing from the bottom right square to the top left square in the image. This image is internally rotated to correctly point at the target square from the origin
  • Up.png is a 1:3 aspect ratio image depicting an upward facing arrow point from the bottom most square to the top most square. This image is internally segmented and used to construct arrows in the ordinate and diagonal direction.


The fenToImage function has these parameters:

  • fen: str

    Fen string representing a position
  • squarelength: int

    The length of one square on the board. Resulting board will be 8 * squarelength long
  • pieceSet: loadPiecesFolder

    the piece set, loaded using the `loadPiecesFolder` function
    • The loadPiecesFolder function has two parameters:

      path: str

      Loads piece set located at the path provided.

      cache: boolean

      Whether to internally cache the piece pngs to avoid reloading
  • darkColor: str

    dark square color on the board
  • lightColor: str

    light square color on the board
  • flipped: boolean default = False

    Whether to flip to board, and render it from black's perspective
  • ArrowSet: loadArrowsFolder()

    the arrow set, loaded using the `loadArrowsFolder` function
    • The loadArrowsFolder function has two parameters:

      • path: str

        Loads arrow set located at the path provided.
      • cache: boolean

        Whether to internally cache the arrow pngs to avoid reloading
  • Arrows: list[(str,str)]

    A list of tuples containing coordinates to place arrows. In the format
    of (start, end) using standard chess notation for the squares.
  • lastMove: dict

    A dictionary containing the fields `before`, `after`, `darkColor` and `lightColor`. 
    `before` and `after` using standard chess notation for the squares, and `darkColor`
    and `lightColor` should be hex strings.
  • coordinates: dict

    A dictionary containing the fields "font", "size", "darkColor", "lightColor", "positionFn",
    "padding", and "outsideBoardColor"
    • font: loadFontFile()

      The font file to use for coordinates, load using the loadFontFile function, with the
      file path to the ttf file or bitmap font file as its sole argument. 
    • size: int

      The font size for the coordinate
    • darkColor: str

      The color of the coordinate for dark squares
    • lightColor: str

      The color of the coordinate for light squares
    • posititionFn: CoordinatePositionFn["outBorder"] | CoordinatePositionFn["innerBorder"] | CoordinatePositionFn["everySquare"] | function

      The function used to determine what characters to draw and where for each square
      on the board. Can either be one of the three predefined functions from the
      CoordinatePositionFn dict, or a custom function. See the definitions for the
      builtin functions in "fentoboardimage/" for examples to follow when
      writing a custom position fn.
    • padding: int

      The padding between the square's edge and the resulting placement
      of the coordinate character 
    • outsideBorderColor: str optional

      What color to paint the background if the coordinates end up outside the board
  • highlighting: dict

      A dictionary of highlighting color => squares to highlight. The keys of this object have
      are either a hex color, or a tuple of (light_square_color, dark_square_color). The values
      of the dictionary must be a list of square coordinates. A hex color key will apply the same
      color to every listed square, while a tuple key will conditionally apply either light_square_color
      or dark_square_color depending on if the coordinate is a light or dark square.


       ("#ff0000", "#702963"): ["a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5", "a6", "a7", "a8"],
       ("#00ff00", "#2e7d32"): ["b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "b5", "b6", "b7", "b8"],
       "#0000ff": ["c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5", "c6", "c7", "c8"]



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