Discord bot for linking and searching Classic WoWHead.
wow [command]
The bot is called by typing "wow " in front of whatever command you want to call.
wow help
The bot will return a list of all available commands to call ("Subcommands").
wow help [subcommand]
The bot will give you information on the subcommand's purpose and how to properly call it.
wow about
Will give you a link to the GitHub repository, which has a link to the DiscordBots page and this readme!
wow linkerator "[item name]"
Type the name of an item from Classic World of Warcraft and the bot will return its official name, a short description, its icon, and a link to the page from Classic WoWHead. If the bot cannot find the item, or the term searched is not an item (i.e. you type the name of a quest, etc.), then the bot will say that it could not find your item. NOTE: The bot will return the first search result of 5 that most closely matches your search term, so it isn't perfect!
wow find "[search term]"
Type the name of a quest, NPC, location, etc. from Classic World of Warcraft and the bot will return the first link from Classic WoWHead.
wow status
The bot will check the status of the Light's Hope Northdale server to see if it's online, as well as the operational status of all Light's Hope servers.
wow incidents
The bot will tell you if any incidents have happened on Light's Hope servers today. If an incident happened, it will provide a link to the status page so you can read it.