o365-attack-toolkit allows operators to perform oauth phishing attacks.
We decided to move from the old model of static definitions to fully "interactive" with the account in real-time.
- Interactive E-mail Search - Allows you to search for user e-mails like you would having full access to it.
- Send e-mails - Allows you to send HTML/TEXT e-mails with attachments from the user mailbox.
- Interactive File Search and Download - Allows you to search for files using specific keywords and download them offline.
- File Replacement - Implemented as a replacement for the macro backdooring functionality.
The phishing endpoint is responsible for serving the HTML file that performs the OAuth token phishing.
Afterward, the token will be used by the backend services to perform the defined attacks.
The management interface can be utilized to inspect the extracted information from the Microsoft Graph API.
User e-mails can be accessed by searching for specific keywords using the management interface. The old feature of downloading keyworded e-mails has been discontinued.
The new version of this tool allows you to send HTML/TXT e-mails, including attachments to a specific e-mail address from the compromised user. This feature is extremly useful as sending a spear-phishing e-mail from the user is more belivable.
Microsoft Graph API can be used to access files across OneDrive, OneDrive for Business and SharePoint document libraries. User files can be searched and downloaded interactively using the management interface. The old feature of downloading keyworded files has been discontinued.
Users document hosted on OneDrive/Sharepoint can be modified by using the Graph API. In the initial version of this toolkit, the last 10 files would be backdoored with a pre-defined macro. This was risky during Red Team operations hence the limited usage. For this reason, we implemented a manual file replacement feature to have more control over the attack.
git clone https://github.com/mdsecactivebreach/o365-attack-toolkit
cd o365-attack-toolkit
dep ensure
go build
An example configuration as below :
host =
externalport = 30662
internalport = 8080
clientid = [REDACTED]
clientsecret = [REDACTED]
scope = "offline_access contacts.read user.read mail.read mail.send files.readWrite.all files.read files.read.all openid profile"
redirecturi = "http://localhost:30662/gettoken"
Before start using this toolkit you need to create an Application on the Azure Portal. Go to Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations -> Register an application.
After creating the application, copy the Application ID in the configuration file.
You need to create a client secret which can be done as shown on the following image:
Update the client secret on the configuration file.
The management interface allows the operator to interact with the compromised users.