It is an infrastructure to build RecordsKeeper blockchain-based applications, products and is used to work around applications that are built on top of this blockchain platform.
Note: If you're looking for the RecordsKeeper Python Library please see: RecordsKeeper Python Library
Before you begin you'll need to have python v2 installed. There are several options for installation for python depending on the operating system you are using.
pip install -g RecordsKeeperPythonLib
Import these python libraries first to get started with the library classes and functions.
import requests
import json
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import yaml
import sys
import binascii
Entry point for accessing Address class resources.
Config file to import config parameters:
with open("config.yaml", 'r') as ymlfile:
cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile)
Importing chain url and chain name from config file:
- URL: Url to connect to the chain ([RPC Host]:[RPC Port])
- Chain-name: chain name
url = network['url']
chain = network['chain']
Importing user name and password values from config file to authenticate the node:
- User name: The rpc user is used to call the APIs.
- Password: The rpc password is used to authenticate the APIs.
user = network['rkuser']
password = network['passwd']
Addresses Library to work with RecordsKeeper addresses. You can generate new address, check all addresses, check address validity, check address permissions, check address balance by using Address class. You just have to pass parameters to invoke the pre-defined functions.
Assets Library to work with RecordsKeeper assets. You can create new assets and list all assets by using Assets class. You just have to pass parameters to invoke the pre-defined functions.
Block Library to work with RecordsKeeper block informaion. You can collect block information by using block class. You just have to pass parameters to invoke the pre-defined functions.
Blockchain Library to work with RecordsKeeper block informaion. You can collect block information by using block class. You just have to pass parameters to invoke the pre-defined functions.
Permissions Library to work with RecordsKeeper permissions. You can grant and revoke permissions like connect, send, receive, create, issue, mine, activate, admin by using Assets class. You just have to pass parameters to invoke the pre-defined functions.
Stream Library to work with RecordsKeeper streams. You can publish, retrieve and verify stream data by using stream class. You just have to pass parameters to invoke the pre-defined functions.
Transaction Library to work with RecordsKeeper transactions. You can send transaction, create raw transaction, sign raw transaction, send raw transaction, send signed transaction, retrieve transaction information and calculate transaction's fees by using transaction class. You just have to pass parameters to invoke the pre-defined functions.
Wallet Library to work with RecordsKeeper wallet functionalities. You can create wallet, dump wallet into a file, backup wallet into a file, import wallet from a file, lock wallet, unlock wallet, change wallet's password, retrieve private key, retrieve wallet's information, sign and verify message by using wallet class. You just have to pass parameters to invoke the pre-defined functions.
Under RecordsKeeperPythonLib/test using test data from config.yaml file.
- To run all the test cases:
python -m unittest discover -v
- To run a particular test case:
python -m unittest test_name
- To run test cases with green:
green test_name
The complete docs are here: RecordsKeeper python library documentation.
Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Recordskeeper License: GNU General Public License version 3, see COPYING
Portions copyright (c) 2014-2017 Coin Sciences Ltd Portions copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers Portions copyright many others - see individual files