node-graphql-server is a complete implementation of GraphQL with nodejs.It includes two runtime libraries, Apollo Server and Apollo Client, for building and querying your graph's API.
node-graphql-server is the integration of GraphQL with nodejs and GraphQL is the specification that we are using to communicate between our graph API and client
To run this project, you will only need Node.js, Postgres, Graphql installed on your environement. You can use the appropriate Editorconfig plugin for your Editor (not mandatory).
Node is really easy to install & now include NPM. You should be able to run the following command after the installation procedure below.
$ node --version
$ npm --version
You will need to use a Terminal. On OS X, you can find the default terminal in
Please install Homebrew if it's not already done with the following command.
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
If everything when fine, you should run
brew install node
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Just go on official Node.js website & grab the installer.
Also, be sure to have git
available in your PATH, npm
might need it.
Just go on official postgresql website & grab the database.
$ git clone
$ cd node-graphql-server
$ npm install
$ yarn
Edit config.json
inside config folder with the url where you have setup:
- Postgres username, password
- Postgres database name
- Project host
$ sudo yarn dev
$ sudo npm dev
$ sudo yarn start
$ sudo npm start
$ sequelize model:create --name Relation_Name --attributes attribute_name:attribute_type
ex: sequelize model:create --name User --attributes username:string,password:string
$ sequelize db:migrate
Some packages usages might change so you should run npm prune
& npm install
A common way to update is by doing
$ git pull
$ npm prune
$ npm install
To run those 3 commands you can just do
$ npm run pull
A gitignore file specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore.
- node_modules
- package-lock.json
- eslintrc
- Jade for some templating.