##I created short instructions for install Karma and Jasmine
$ npm install --save-dev jasmine
$ npm install -g jasmine
$ npm install -g karma
$ npm install karma --save-dev
$ npm install karma-jasmine karma-chrome-launcher --save-dev
###To initialize a project for Jasmine
$ jasmine init
###You will need to do this if you want to run Karma on Windows from the command line.
$ npm install -g karma-cli
####!!!I had problems with jasmine-core (Error: Cannot find module 'jasmine-core')!!!
####Here the solution to the problem /
$ rm -rf node_modules
$ npm cache clean
$ npm i
$ sudo npm uninstall -g jasmine-core
$ sudo npm cache clean -f
$ sudo npm i -g jasmine-core
###Configuration of karma
$ karma init my.conf.js
###Starting Karma
$ karma start my.conf.js