Builds the binary for FBX2glTF from the latest source for several Linux distros. Currently supported are: CentOS6, CentOS7, Amazon Linux 1 & 2 & specialized CentOS7 from nvidia/cudagl.
Required: Docker
git clone
cd fbx2gltf-docker
git checkout <correct_branch>
docker build -t local/fbx2gltf-docker .
2.1 Download
3.1 mkdir fbxsdk
3.2 tar xvzf fbx20181_1_fbxsdk_linux.tar.gz
3.3 ./fbx20181_1_fbxsdk_linux fbxsdk
3.4 docker run -it --rm -v <absolute_path_to_fbxsdk_folder>:/root/fbxsdk -v $PWD/result:/root/result local/fbx2gltf-docker
3.5 retrieve binary FBX2glTF from result folder