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A robust and scalable test automation framework using Selenium and TestNG, designed for simplifying web application testing.


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Selenium TestNG Elite Framework

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Features
  3. Installation Instructions
  4. Usage
  5. What Framework Users Need to Do
  6. How File Upload Feature Works
  7. How Download File Feature Works
  8. GitHub Actions Workflow
  9. Contact Information


The Selenium TestNG Elite Framework is a robust and scalable test automation framework designed to simplify the process of writing and running automated tests for web applications. This framework leverages Selenium WebDriver for browser automation and TestNG for test management.

The framework is designed to be user-friendly, allowing users to read 2-3 pre-written test cases and start writing their own test cases without starting from scratch.


  • Environment Configuration: Uses Dotenv for managing environment variables. You can change browsers and switch between headed and headless modes from the command line or the .env file.
  • Multiple Browser Support: A browser factory is created so when you pass the browser name from the command line or .env file, it will launch that browser.
  • Parallel Execution: Run tests in parallel to save time. This feature works at the class level, and the thread count is hard-coded to 5 in the testng.xml file. You can change it, or in the future, it will be made dynamic so you can pass this from the command line.
  • Screenshot Capture: Automatically captures screenshots on test failure and stores them in target/test-result/{testcase name}/screenshot.png format.
  • Logs: Integrated with Log4j for better logging of test case steps with auto-increment steps. Users don’t have to write “Step 1: Navigate to base URL”. Simply write “Navigate to base URL” and the step count is auto-added. Logs are displayed in the console as well as stored in target/test-result/{testcase name}/logfile.log format.
  • Supports Multiple Environments: The framework supports multiple environments like Dev, QA, and Prod.
  • Extent Report: Integrated with ExtentReports to generate beautiful HTML reports.
  • Random Data Generation: Uses the Faker library for random data generation. There is also a RandomHelper class that gives you random elements from a list and generates random strings.
  • Element Helper Classes:
    • WaitHelper: Uses explicit waits to get elements in a particular state like visible or clickable.
    • SeleniumHelper: Improves interaction with elements to remove flakiness. For example, driver.findElement(By.xpath()).isDisplayed() will return true if the element is displayed, but if not, it throws a NoSuchElementException. The helper method will return false instead.
    • JavaScriptHelper: Interacts with elements using JavaScript.
  • Integrated Surefire Plugin: Using this plugin, you can run test cases from the CLI. It also generates a failed test cases XML file when any test case fails, so you can run only the failed test cases.
  • Mojo Plugin: Uses a custom Mojo plugin to send emails with attachments. The plugin triggers the emailHelper.sendEmailWithAttachment method to send the Extent report to the user.
  • Debug Mode: If you set DEBUG=true in the .env file, elements will be bordered in red before interaction.
  • Headless Mode: If you set HEADLESS=true in the .env file, the browser will be launched in headless mode.
  • File Upload: The Selenium TestNG Elite Framework includes a comprehensive file upload feature that supports both traditional input type file uploads and drag-and-drop uploads. This feature is designed to handle single and multiple file uploads seamlessly. For more info see How File Upload Feature Works
  • File Download: The Selenium TestNG Elite Framework includes a comprehensive file download feature. In this feature user can download file and assert that the file is downloaded successfully. Used fluent wait to wait for the file to be downloaded. For more info see How Download File Feature Works
  • Automatic Open Extent Report: Created Environment variables to automatically open the Extent Report. In .env file added WANT_TO_OPEN_REPORT and set it to true to open the report.
  • GitHub Actions: This framework supports GitHub Actions. You can run the tests from the GitHub Actions workflow.

Installation Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd Selenium-TestNG-Elite-Framework
  2. Install dependencies:

    mvn clean install -DskipTests
  3. Configure environment variables: Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following:



Running Tests

To run the tests, use the following Maven command:

mvn clean test -DsuiteXmlFile="testng.xml"

What Framework Users Need to Do

  • Create DataObject: The DataObject defines the shape of the object. For example, for a login form requiring email and password fields, create a class for that and shape the object accordingly.
  • DataFactory: Use this to create data for your test cases.
  • Page Object Model: The backbone of the framework. Use the By locator strategy. Users just need to create By locators and then interact with elements using the enhanced SeleniumHelper class.
  • Test File: Where you can put your test cases.

For reference, 20 test cases have been automated to demonstrate how anyone can automate test cases.

How File Upload Feature Works

  1. Dedicated Folder for Upload Files: User have to place the files they want to upload in a uploadFiles folder.

  2. uploadFile Method:

    • This method is part of the SeleniumHelper class and is used for uploading files.
    • It supports traditional input type file uploads where the HTML tag is input with type="file".
    • The method waits for the element to be present in the DOM and checks if the input type is file. If not, it attempts to upload the file using JavaScript, which is useful for elements that support drag-and-drop uploads.
  3. Multiple File Upload:

    • The uploadFile method also supports uploading multiple files.
    • Users can pass a List<String> containing file names, and the method will handle the upload of multiple files.

Note: - Three test cases have been created for demonstration purposes. Test cases are located in the FileUploadTest class.

This setup enhances the usability of your framework by simplifying the file upload process and providing flexibility for different upload scenarios.

How Download File Feature Works

The Selenium TestNG Elite Framework provides a robust file download feature, ensuring files are downloaded efficiently and verified for existence. Below is a detailed explanation of how this feature operates:

  1. Dedicated Download Folder

    • Files are saved to a dedicated downloadFiles folder.

    • The download location is set using the download.default_directory:

        Map<String, Object> prefs = new HashMap<>();
        prefs.put("download.default_directory", Path_To_Download_Folder);
        prefs.setExperimentalOption("prefs", prefs);
  2. Automatic Download Handling

    • The download prompt is disabled, enabling files to download automatically without user intervention. This is managed by setting download.prompt_for_download to false:

        prefs.put("download.prompt_for_download", false);
  3. PDF Download Configuration

    • To avoid opening PDFs in the browser, they are configured to download directly by setting plugins.always_open_pdf_externally to true:

        prefs.put("plugins.always_open_pdf_externally", true);
  4. Download Verification Methods

    • The framework includes two builder-based methods for flexible, parameterized download verification:

      • initiateDownloadAndVerifyBuilder

        • Returns true if the specified file exists in the download folder; false otherwise.

          • Usage:

                .downloadTimeout(Wait_Time_In_Seconds)            // Optional
                .elementVisibilityTimeout(Wait_Time_In_Seconds)    // Optional
        • Implementation:

          @Builder(builderMethodName = "initiateDownloadAndVerifyBuilder")
          private Boolean initiateDownloadAndVerify(By locator, String fileName, Integer downloadTimeout, Integer elementVisibilityTimeout) throws InterruptedException {
              // Validate parameters
              if (locator == null) throw new RuntimeException("locator cannot be null");
              if (fileName == null) throw new RuntimeException("fileName cannot be null");
              // Optional parameters with default values
              int effectiveDownloadTimeout = Optional.ofNullable(downloadTimeout).orElse(15);
              int effectiveElementVisibilityTimeout = Optional.ofNullable(elementVisibilityTimeout).orElse(15);
              // Download verification process
              scrollAndClickOn(locator, effectiveElementVisibilityTimeout);
              return FileHelper.isFileExists(fileName, effectiveDownloadTimeout).getLeft();
      • initiateDownloadAndVerifyWithExpectedMessageBuilder

        • Returns a Pair containing a boolean to indicate if the file exists and a message listing files in the download folder.

        • Usage:

              .downloadTimeout(Wait_Time_In_Seconds)           // Optional
              .elementVisibilityTimeout(Wait_Time_In_Seconds)   // Optional
        • Implementation:

          @Builder(builderMethodName = "initiateDownloadAndVerifyWithExpectedMessageBuilder")
          private Pair<Boolean, String> initiateDownloadAndVerifyWithExpectedMessage(By locator, String fileName, Integer downloadTimeout, Integer elementVisibilityTimeout) throws InterruptedException {
              if (locator == null) throw new RuntimeException("locator cannot be null");
              if (fileName == null) throw new RuntimeException("fileName cannot be null");
              int effectiveDownloadTimeout = Optional.ofNullable(downloadTimeout).orElse(15);
              int effectiveElementVisibilityTimeout = Optional.ofNullable(elementVisibilityTimeout).orElse(15);
              scrollAndClickOn(locator, effectiveElementVisibilityTimeout);
              return FileHelper.isFileExists(fileName, effectiveDownloadTimeout);

GitHub Actions Workflow

This repository contains a GitHub Actions workflow for running automation test cases using Selenium and TestNG. The workflow supports multiple environments and browsers, and it sends the test results via email also store results in GitHub Artifacts.

Workflow Overview

The workflow is triggered manually using the workflow_dispatch event. It allows you to specify the environment, browser, and email address to receive the test results. The workflow performs the following steps:

  1. Checks out the repository.
  2. Sets up Java JDK.
  3. Sets up Maven.
  4. Sets up the specified browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Edge).
  5. Installs dependencies without running tests.
  6. Runs the tests.
  7. Sends the test results via email.
  8. Store initial test result in GitHub Artifacts.
  9. Re-runs failed tests if any.
  10. Re-sends the test results for the re-run tests via email.
  11. Store re-run test result in GitHub Artifacts.


The workflow accepts the following inputs:

  • Environment: The environment to run the tests in. Options are Test and Stage. Default is Test.
  • Browser: The browser to run the tests on. Options are Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. Default is Chrome.
  • Email: The email address to receive the test results. This input is required.


To manually trigger the workflow, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Actions" tab in your GitHub repository.
  2. Select the "Manual workflow for automation testcases" workflow.
  3. Click the "Run workflow" button.
  4. Fill in the required inputs (Environment, Browser, Email).
  5. Click the "Run workflow" button to start the workflow.

Workflow Steps

1. Checkout Repository

- uses: actions/checkout@v4

2. Setup Java JDK

- name: Setup Java JDK
  uses: actions/[email protected]
    java-version: 22
    distribution: 'temurin'

3. Setup Maven

- name: Setup Maven
  uses: stCarolas/setup-maven@v5

4. Setup Browser

Depending on the selected browser, one of the following steps will be executed:

- name: Set up Chrome
  if: ${{ github.event.inputs.Browser == 'chrome' }}
  uses: browser-actions/[email protected]

- name: Set up Firefox
  if: ${{ github.event.inputs.Browser == 'firefox' }}
  uses: browser-actions/[email protected]

- name: Set up Edge
  if: ${{ github.event.inputs.Browser == 'edge' }}
  uses: browser-actions/[email protected]

5. Install Dependencies

- name: Install dependencies without running tests
  run: mvn clean install -DskipTests

6. Run Tests

- name: Run tests
  id: Run_Test
  run: |
    export BROWSER=${{ github.event.inputs.Browser }}
    export HEADLESS=true
    export ENV=${{ github.event.inputs.Environment }}
    mvn test -DsuiteXmlFile=testng.xml

7. Send Result via Email

- name: Send result via email
  if: always()
  run: |
    export EMAIL=${{ github.event.inputs.Email }}
    export SUBJECT="Complete Execution for ${{ github.event.inputs.Environment }} Environment on ${{ github.event.inputs.Browser }} Browser"
    mvn exec:java
    EMAIL_USER: ${{ secrets.SENDER_EMAIL }}

8. Store Html Report

- name: Store Html Report
  if: always()
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
    name: Initial Test Result
    path: target/html-report/SparkReport.html

9. Re-run Failed Tests

- name: Re-run failed tests
  id: Re_Run_Test
  if: ${{ failure() && steps.Run_Test.outcome == 'failure' }}
  run: |
    export BROWSER=${{ github.event.inputs.Browser }}
    export HEADLESS=true
    export Is_Flaky=true
    export ENV=${{ github.event.inputs.Environment }}
    mvn test -DsuiteXmlFile=target/surefire-reports/testng-failed.xml

10. Re-send Result via Email

- name: Re-send result via email
  if: ${{ failure() && steps.Run_Test.outcome == 'failure' }}
  run: |
    export EMAIL=${{ github.event.inputs.Email }}
    export SUBJECT="Re-run Failed Test Cases for ${{ github.event.inputs.Environment }} Environment on ${{ github.event.inputs.Browser }} Browser"
    mvn exec:java
    EMAIL_USER: ${{ secrets.SENDER_EMAIL }}

11. Store Html Report

- name: Store Html Report
  if: ${{ failure() && steps.Run_Test.outcome == 'failure' }}
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
    name: Re-Run Test Result
    path: target/html-report/SparkReport.html


The workflow requires the following secrets to be set in the repository settings:

  • SENDER_EMAIL: The email address used to send the test results.
  • SENDER_APP_PASSWORD: The application password for the sender email.

Contact Information

Email Ravi   LinkedIn Ravi Lalwani


A robust and scalable test automation framework using Selenium and TestNG, designed for simplifying web application testing.








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