This playbook can be used to configure a freshly installed Fedora box according to your need, this installs all necessary utilities, software, tools, and programs.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
In order to use this playbook, you must have ansible installed in your machine and sshd running on your system along with privileges to install new packages.
$ sudo dnf install openssh-server
$ sudo systemctl start sshd.service
$ sudo systemctl enable sshd.service
- Clone this playbook
$ git clone
- Change your directory to Workstation-Setup
$ cd Workstation-Setup
- Run the whole playbook
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml -K -b -v -e "user=<your username>"
Make sure that user is same as the name of your user for which you want to configure the system and then enter the password for the user.
- To just run few commands with tags
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml -K -b -v -e "user=<your username>" --tags="configure,dev_deps"
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml --list-tags
playbook: site.yml
play #1 (all): Update packages and install basic packages TAGS: [basic]
TASK TAGS: [basic, flathub, rpmfusion, update]
play #2 (all): Setup and install development tools, libraries and dependencies TAGS: [development]
TASK TAGS: [dev_deps, development, lang-tools, npm, pip, programming_lang, terminal, vscode]
play #3 (all): Install necessary utils and packages TAGS: [utils]
TASK TAGS: [utils]
play #4 (all): Install all necessary multimedia softwares TAGS: [multimedia]
TASK TAGS: [multimedia, mutimedia, torbrowser, torbrowser_icon]
play #5 (all): Install more wallpapers TAGS: [wallpapers]
TASK TAGS: [wallpapers]
play #6 (all): Install virtualization softwares TAGS: [virtualization]
TASK TAGS: [virtualization]
play #7 (all): Configure vim and fish TAGS: [configure]
TASK TAGS: [configure, fish, fish_config, fish_config_dir, oh_my_fish, omf_theme, vim]
- Ansible - Ansible is an IT automation tool.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Ratan Kulshreshtha - Initial work - RatanShreshtha
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
- Inspiration
- etc