A website that allows for the tracking of participating children with their arrival status.
With every page being constantly updated, one can be confident the currently displayed content is accurate.
Additionally allowing filtering and searching by groups and various other factors.
Lastly provides customizable access for multiple users.
All of these actions and more are fully logged, so not only can you trust, but you can verify when events actually happened.
Tech used: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery
Built from scratch with no external backend dependencies - from the Routing, Configuration, Authentication, Role-based Authorization, Logging, Templating, etc.
As Polling was used for the live updates, this can be optimized into Server-Sent Events (SSE), in addition the code could be rewritten with more modularly or with a framework.
Effectively building my own backend framework in PHP gave me great insights into how many of the popular frameworks theoretically work under the hood, same for the templating engine.