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Run on a linux server
Setting up WHAT-IF on a (linux) server MIT and DTU server addresses are given as examples, as well as file directories, you need to replace these by your own
#open command prompt on windows
#move to home directory
cd /home/rapy
#On the local window - go to the local what_if directory
cd C://Users//rapy//OneDrive - COWI//WHAT_IF
scp -r bin [email protected]://home//rapy//WHAT_IF
scp -r Data [email protected]://home//rapy//WHAT_IF
scp Data//MainFile.xlsx [email protected]://home//rapy//WHAT_IF//Data
scp Data//WaterModule.xlsx [email protected]://home//rapy//WHAT_IF//Data
scp Data//EnergyModule.xlsx [email protected]://home//rapy//WHAT_IF//Data
scp WHATIFmit.sh WHATIF_scenario.py WHATIF_main.py [email protected]://home//rapy//WHAT_IF
scp -r [email protected]://zhome//8a//f//104114//CoinIpopt//ThirdParty//HSL//coinhsl solver_libraries
scp -r [email protected]://home//rapy//WHAT_IF//Results//modelopt_renew_17Aug Results
scp -r [email protected]://home//rapy//WHAT_IF//bin//hydroeconomic_optimization.py bin
- Download
- transfer to server:
scp Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh [email protected]://home//rapy
- install:
bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda create -n WHATIF_py37 python=3.7.3
conda install -n WHATIF_py37 openpyxl xlsxwriter xlrd pyomo pandas numpy multiprocess ipopt scipy
conda install -n WHATIF_py37 -c ibmdecisionoptimization docplex
sbatch WHATIFmit.sh
On a windows server it seems pandas has troubles importing numpy, if installed through conda/mininconda, you can do the following, after activating the conda environment, (dark magic)
pip install numpy
pip uninstall numpy
pip install numpy