Tip: Use highlight.js instead. It has "monokai_sublime" theme and better highlighting than prettify.
An attempt to make a Google Code Prettify theme that looks like Sublime Text's Monokai Theme.
google-code-prettify (prettify.js) can be downloaded from here: https://code.google.com/p/google-code-prettify/
The theme is best for HTML codes. For CSS, JS and others might not feel like Sublime Text's Monokai, mostly due how pretiffy sort the tags (see more below in 'The Problem with CSS')
It is impossible to have CSS colored to match Monokai Theme.
Element tags, id and class selectors are all treated as plain
by Prettify.
div#id.class > ul li[class*="string"] {color: #f00;}
According to Monokai, had to be like this:
On prettify, almost everything is 'plain', therefore everything is of same color, becoming that boring colorless box. Shame on you prettify.