Get additional practice with React by creating a front end application that renders data from pokemon api. This will require some knowledge on React
$ git clone
$ cd reactReviewWithPokemon
$ npm install
$ npm start
$ npm run build
If you plan to redo this repo multiple times, make a new branch
$ git checkout -b attempt1
When you are ready to try again, repeat as necessary
$ git checkout master
$ git checkout -b attempt2
At each step, before moving on, answer the following question: What justifies my expectation that I completed the requirement? If you cannot justify this, then it means you haven't tested it yet.
Connect your react app to the browser
Render all the components + validate that they are all connected properly
Pass mock pokemon data down to App as props + render said data
- this will require you to set props to state, do not do this in the constructor
- set props to your state once your component mounts
Design Search.js such that a user can input data and on submit, run a function that console.log's what the user has submitted so far
Using axios +, complete the lib/getPokemon.js function
- hint: google "npm axios" to find out the syntax for a GET request
Pass getPokemon function to App + configure the app so that when user submits, it will run getPokemon function instead of the console.log
As needed, update getPokemon.js so that pokemon data received from the API will render on the page in addition to any existing pokemon data
- remove the mock data
Note: if you're not comfortable with STEPS 1-7, redo STEPS 1-7 instead
Create a new feature
Add css, you may use this as reference
On mount, render the original 151 pokemon, in the correct order
PokemonListItem should only re-render if an applicable change has occurred. They should NOT all re-render on every unrelated change
Refactor application to use Redux or Context API instead of passing props down manually
Once you are done with steps 1-7, solution code is available on branch solution1
$ git checkout solution1
I've included some additional solution code and techniques on branch solution2. Probably don't look at this until you have the basics down and have completed some/all of the advanced content
$ git checkout solution2
- for their amazing API