- Graph Query Language Comparison Series - Gremlin vs Cypher vs nGQL
- Pwned Passwords Padding
- Build apps for free with Azure Cosmos DB Free Tier
- Firecracker - Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing
- Overview of Decentralized Identity Standards
- Why SvelteJS may be the best framework for new web devs
- Creating a custom ErrorHandlerMiddleware function
- Add in a regex parser so that the IDE can provide services around regex editing
- February ML.NET Model Builder Updates
- Citus 9.2 speeds up large scale HTAP workloads on Postgres
- A successful Git branching model
- Please stop recommending Git Flow
- “Let’s use Kubernetes!” Now you have 8 problems
- Announcing PowerShell 7.0
- Everything We Learned Running Istio In Production — Part 1
- Analysing .NET start-up time with Flamegraphs
- Payment Request API
- Microservices – Combinatorial Explosion of Versions
- Millions of tiny databases
- Copy & Paste as an architecture strategy
- The tyranny of IO and the rise of distributed systems
- The Elephant in the Architecture
- A journey to searching Have I Been Pwned database in 49μs
- To avoid technical debt, you need technical people in your team who can call spade a spade
- Handling NULL Values in PostgreSQL
- How to write a Roslyn Analyzer
- CQRS - Refactoring Queries without Repositories
- A brief introduction to fuzzing and why it’s an important tool for developers
- Prefixed Naming
- ResourceManagerWithCultureStringLocalizer class and WithCulture interface member to be removed
- The Odyssey of Stark and Melody
- Single-file Publish
- Remote access to production infrastructure
- Microsoft is retiring its MCSA, MCSD and MCSE certifications in June 2020
- Books I recommend to my software engineering students
- Tips, Tricks and Best Practices for Working Remotely
- Rich Hickey on becoming a better developer
- Google Kubernetes Engine is introducing a cluster management fee on June 6
- .NET Annotated Monthly - March 2020