#Vagrant/Puppet Template for an Intershop 7 VM This template will install a vm with
- Ubuntu 12.04
- Oracle XE 11g
- Intershop 7
- PrimeTech
You need to copy several files to the modules/*/files folder:
- oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm.zip
- Extract the Intershop iso.
- Run rpmconv.sh to create the rpms for ES1.
- Convert the rpms to debs with "alien --scripts *.rpm".
- Copy all debs to files/deb and the etest files from the optional files to files/deb/optional.
- Copy the license.xml file to the files folder.
- Copy ojdbc6.jar and ucp.jar. It is important that the jars version matches the database version. If in doubt check the manifest in the jar.
Copy these packages from quantal to files
- libapr1_1.4.6-3_amd64.deb
- libaprutil1_1.4.1-3_amd64.deb
- libaprutil1-dbd-odbc_1.4.1-3_amd64.deb
Install vagrant with
- gem install vagrant
- gem install vagrant-vbguest
You also need Ruby and VirtualBox.
To create the vm run "vagrant up" inside the directory. Connect to the VM with "vagrant ssh".
- An DB user intershop/intershop is created.
- The DB is automatically started.
- The AS with all base cartriges gets installed.
- The templates are precompiled.
- To mount the eserver1 directory run mnt_eserver.sh.
- If you already have a project you can modify the intershop manifest to prevent the installation of the PrimeTech demo data.
- To compile the cartridges in the shared folder you have to add vagrant to the isgrp1 and compile the cartridges as the vagrant user.