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Releases: Rainbow-CPaaS/Rainbow-React-Native-Samples

Release V1.8.0

23 Jan 13:34
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[1.8.0] - 2024-1-23

  • Updated React Native version from 0.71.0 to 0.73.2, resolving all associated dependency issues.
  • Updated Rainbow Android SDK to version 2.42.0.
  • Updated example sample code on GitHub to align with the latest changes.

Release V1.7.0

10 Jul 08:01
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[1.7.0] - 2023-7-10

API Changes:

  • Added a new property isRemoteVideoEnabled to the ICall object, allowing users to enable or disable remote video during call


  • Fixed an issue where sharing a remote video call would encounter sharing problems.
  • Resolved a bug that caused the delegated conference call to end and then reappear as a new incoming call after two seconds.
  • Fix upstream dependency conflicts encountered when installing npm packages into the example app. With this update, there is no longer a need to use the "--force" or "--legacy-peer-deps" command to resolve such conflicts.

Other Changes:

  • Updated Rainbow Android SDK to version 2.33-beta, addressing and fixing any associated breaking changes.
  • Refactored the codebase to remove the dependency on the react-native-router-flux package and replaced it with react native navigation for improved navigation handling. Please refer to the documentation available in the Rainbow API hub for more details on this update.

Release V1.6.1

01 Jun 11:26
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release version 1.6.1

Release V1.5.2

17 Apr 11:49
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Release V1.5.2

Release V1.3.0

02 Oct 19:01
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[1.3.0] - 2022-10-2

API Changes:

  • [user Profile Service]: adding new method updateUserInfo(updateUserRequest: IUpdateUserQuery):void to update the connected user information. check docs here managing profile.and sample code for more info.

  • Adding new props to IUser obj:

    • isAllowedToModifyProfileInfo: to check if the user is allowed to update his profile.
    • isAllowedToChangePresence: to check if the user is allowed to update his presence.
    • IUpdateUserQuery:interface for the query obj that contains the user profile info you want to update.
    • IServicePlane: enum for the account license type.
  • Add a new fileTypeprop to IMessage interface to indicate the file type associated with a message.

Break Changes:

  • update all the buttons and make its icons customizable, by providing users the option to pass their own icon
    as png or any type they want.

Other Changes:

  • Add a new <Header />common component, and expose the styles and content props to make it customizable.
  • Add new method renderMessageText to custom the standard message font style.SeeMessageComponent.

Release V1.2.0

17 Aug 10:18
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[1.2.0] - 2022-8-15

API Changes:

  • [SharedFile Services]: Android ONLY, adding new method uploadFileToMyRainbowSharing.
  • [Messages Services]: handle sending urgency, by replacing sendMessage(message: IMessage, attachedFileUri:string[]) to sendMessage(message: IMessage, urgency: string, attachedFileUri: string[]): void.
  • [Messages Services]: adding send message with additional content: sendMessageWithAdditionalContentAndUrgency(conversationJid: string,text: string, additionalCont?: string,additionalContType?: string, urgency?: IUrgencyType): void.
  • [Fix Notification]: can't open the currently active call from the notification panner.

Break Changes:

  • Refactor IMessage, by adding new props: urgency, alternativeContent,isDeleted, isForwarded, isReplied, remove: system flag, change msgType contents types.
  • Refactor connected user type: IUser, by adding new props: servicePlane and language and replacing the name,imageURL, presence with IContact object.
  • Move method getConnectedUser from the authService and added it to userProfileService.
  • Remove EventType.ConnectedUserPresenceUpdated, and make EventType.ConnectedUserUpdated trigger for any changes occurs in the connected user, including the user presence.
  • adding new mandatory props to <SharedFiles .../> component: sharedFileArray: IFile[] and isLoading: boolean.

Other Changes:

  • remove mediaType from IRoomConfEndPoint.
  • [iOS] sorting the conversation list according to the last update date.
  • [Example App Side]: adding how to sort the shared files, either by date, name, size.
  • Update the Android SDK version from 2.18.1 to 2.19.0.


02 Jun 06:53
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[1.0.0] - 2022-5-30

API Changes:

  • Upgrade Android SDK version 2.15.0
  • Export a couple of common components used in react-native-rainbow-module:Timerand ImageHolder.
  • Update the example code to give more details on managing webrtc and Conference Calls. check Sample Code.

API Breaking changes:

Conference and Audio/Video webRTC calls:

  • Adding customizable call components for all the call types (conference, peer-to-peer call). check retrieve calls.
  • Provide a new IP2P, IConference, IPBX, and generic ICall<T> Interfaces types for webRTC, conference, and PBX calls. check CallTypes
  • Provide new components that handle the Local video, screen-sharing, and remote video in webrtc calls. check managing webRTC calls.
  • Add new props to the webRTC call view component to allow the user to customize the incoming, outgoing, and active call view based on his app needs. check managing webRTC calls.
  • Add new props to the WebrtcConference call view component to allow the user to customize the participant's view, and call view based on the call state( incoming, active, outgoing). check managing webRTC calls.
  • Export the ParticipantConferenceView component to allow users to customize the view of the conference participants.
  • Provide a reusable components buttons for all the call actions and allow the user to customize the button icon and style


  • Fix issues with joining a conference.
  • Fix the issue with the speaker button.
  • Fix issue when adding video to webRTCConference call.


07 Apr 11:25
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[0.3.11] - 2022-4-7

API Changes:


10 Mar 10:19
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[0.3.10] - 2022-3-10

API Changes:

  • Show the incoming screen sharing for P2P and conference calls.
  • Show the screen sharing publisher in a conference call [only Android].
  • Add enable/disable local video in P2P calls.


  • Fixing crash occurs when switching mobile to the 'Landscape' position.
  • Fixing wrong active conference call view, where it sometimes shows as an incoming call, not active call!.
  • Fixing not showing the participant video stream, while joining the conference.
  • Fixing time restart in [P2P, Conference] call, when peer call enable/disable his remote video [IOS].

Other Changes:

  • Upgrade Android SDK version from 2.11.0-beta1 to 2.12.0-beta2.
  • Upgrade IOS SDK version from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0.
  • Adding GetConferenceScreenSharingUpdate event to listen for Conference Screen Sharing changes.
  • Adding props wasInitiatedWithShare, videoRemoteStreamCount, isLocalVideoEnabled in ICall, and remove isRemoteVideoCall.
  • Create ShareConferenceView.tsx component.
  • Adding local video button in CallActions.tsx.
  • Adding screen sharing view in both CallView.tsx and ConferenceCallContainer.tsx.


16 Feb 15:17
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[0.3.9] - 2022-2-17

Breaking Changes:

  • Refactor the Bubbles component so it can be customizable easily by the user side, please check docs in Rainbow API HUB Bubbles Component.
  • Refactor the Conversations component so it can be customizable easily by the user side, please check docs in Rainbow API HUB Retrieve Conversation.



  • Fixing Can't Opening the downloaded files for Android version >= 11.
  • Unmute participants get stuck.
  • Fixing Contact Presence not synced in the Call Logs.
  • Fixing the Bubble Message View is not synced when editing bubble.
  • Fixing edit bubble is not synced in both conversations and bubbles list.