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### SDK for Node.JS 1.80 - December 2020

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@vberder01 vberder01 released this 02 Dec 16:44
· 1660 commits to master since this release

3-Release SDK Breaking Changes

  • Warning: Starting 2019, the LTS active version of Node.js migrated to version 12.x. This version of SDK Node.js is only compliant with this LTS version up to 10.x.
    Consequently, you need to update your Node.js version to 10.x in order to use this release of the SDK Node.js.

API Breaking Changes

  • none

API Changes

  • Update messageMaxLength option default value to 16384.

Others Changes

  • Fix in presenceEventHandler the offline presence of a contact in the roster.
  • Add HttpManager class to manage a promised queue of request to the server. It allow to have a queue of request and then avoid to much concurrents one.
  • Treat the HttpService methods getUrl, post, head, put, putBuffer, delete with the HttpManager queue.
  • Add property "concurrentRequests" in options.rainbow section parameter of the SDK to define the number of allowed concurrent request running in the HttpManager queue.
  • Change the max value of nbHttpAdded to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
  • Update getConnectionStatus() method to return the status of the queue of HTTP requests :
  • nbHttpAdded: number, the number of HTTP requests (any verb GET, HEAD, POST, ...) added in the HttpManager queue. Note that it is reset to zero when it reaches Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER value.
  • httpQueueSize: number, the number of requests stored in the Queue. Note that when a request is sent to server, it is already removed from the queue.
  • nbRunningReq: number, the number of requests which has been poped from the queue and the SDK did not yet received an answer for it.
  • maxSimultaneousRequests : number, the number of request which can be launch at a same time.
  • Add SDK parameter in log section : enableEventsLogs: false, Activate the logs to be raised from the events service (with onLog listener).
  • Fix XMPP resource name to have the string "node_" at the beginning of it.
  • Fix presence events. The presence event are all raised even if the aggregated contact.presence do not change, and only the resources property (with detailed presence) is updated.