Claymore's Dual Ethereum+Decred GPU Miner nodejs-based web monitoring utility
Simple web application for Claymore's Dual Ethereum+Decred GPU Miner monitoring. It provides the same functions as an embedded into EthMan application web server, but is cross-platform and open-source.
More info:
cd src
cp config.json.sample config.json
- edit config.json (see for detailed comments and optional parameters)
cd ..
- Open web browser to localhost:3000 (or your IP:3000)
- Enjoy
- On some Ubuntu releases after 'apt-get install npm' the node interpreter is called nodejs due to conflict with some other package. In that case you may need to replace "node ./bin/www" by "nodejs ./bin/www" in package.json file or better create a link from /usr/local/node to the nodejs binary
- Add email notifications of failures such like no response from miner or low hashrate
- Add a feature of restarting the miner in case of failures such like high number of rejects
- Style the web page for small screens of mobile devices (anybody?)
- Publish a release version 1.0.0
- ... please send your suggestions. Donations increase the probability of quick implementation
If you find this utility useful, here are donation addresses:
- BTC: 32y7qsa3gX5tERjsLqYTZrLoPvLzhM2prx
- ETH: 0xd2D20216D26d9d7c9587B169f82aF12BA169bB8d
- ETH: 0xB9b7540a4B2077Ca9Cde23021e413Ec81c5b1Cae