This project was inspired by the book Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Michael Nielsen. It's an excellent resource if you want to start learning about neural networks. You can find the original online book here. Pre-trained Networks Included
This repository comes with pre-trained networks for:
Recognition of handwritten numbers from the MNIST dataset.
Recognition of "amoguses" (crewmembers from Among Us) and cat faces.
To run this program, execute The available model names are:
There are three main options: 0 - Manage Datasets
Allows you to add or remove data points from the dataset. You can also add random data, which generates images with random pixel arrangements.
Manage Datasets 1 - Train Neural Network (trainNN)
Enables you to train the neural network.
Train Neural Network 2 - Draw Check
Allows you to draw an input for the neural network and check its performance.
Draw Check Additional Features
This framework also allows you to create custom networks and datasets.
Note: For "Draw Check" to work, the number of inputs should be exactly 784 (28x28).