Analysis consists of six scripts:
- TwinMom16S_Quality_ErrorRate_Checking.Rmd
- TwinMom16S_dada2.R
- TwinMom16S_Pre-processing.Rmd
- TwinMom16S_Analysis (main bacterial analysis)
- TwinMom16S_Shared_RelAbd_Plots.Rmd (shared bacterial taxa analyses)
- TwinMom16S_Supplemental_Analysis.Rmd (supplemental bacterial analyses)
Raw sequencing data was processed through VirusSeeker Virome v0.063 ( Phage reads and corresponding blastX files were used to generate .RMA files for each sample in MEGAN6 Community Edition v6.10.5 using the script RMA files were used to generate the Compare file using absolute counts and ignoring unclassified reads. A BIOM1 file was then created using the following steps in MEGAN6:
- Opened compare file
- Selected virus node
- Uncollapsed subtree below virus node
- Selected subtree
- File > Export > BIOM1 Format... > (export taxa at official ranks only?) > No
- Saved .biom file
- .biom file was used to generate a phyloseq object (physeqPhageSelectTaxa.RDS - see TwinMomPhage_Pre-processing.Rmd) that was utilized in the remainder of analyses.