This is a Python library for interacting with the NHN Cloud Email service.
Current version: 0.1.8
To use this library, you need to have Python installed. You can install the required dependencies using pip:
pip install -U nhncloud-email
First, you need to initialize the NHNCloudEmail class with your NHN Cloud app key, secret key, and sender email address.
from nhncloud_email import NHNCloudEmail
email_service = NHNCloudEmail(
To send a single email, use the send_email method:
response = email_service.send_email('recipient_email', 'Your Subject', 'Your message body')
To send bulk emails, use the send_bulk_email method:
recipient_emails = ['recipient1_email', 'recipient2_email']
response = email_service.send_bulk_email(recipient_emails, 'Your Subject', 'Your bulk message body')
To schedule an email, use the schedule_email method:
response = email_service.schedule_email('recipient_email', 'Your Subject', 'Your scheduled message body', 'schedule_time')
To get the status of a sent email, use the get_email_status method:
response = email_service.get_email_status('request_id')
To get a list of sent emails within a specific date range, use the get_sent_email_list method:
response = email_service.get_sent_email_list('start_date', 'end_date')
Make sure to replace placeholders (like 'your_app_key'
, 'your_secret_key'
, etc.) with actual values before using the library.
Please contact [email protected]