The TEEHR Evaluations repository contains a collection of TEEHR Evaluations. It contains the following evaluations:
- e0_2_location_example
- e1_camels_daily_streamflow
- e2_camels_hourly_streamflow
- e3_usgs_hourly_streamflow
This list will be updated as more evaluations are added or existing evaluations are modified.
The concept of this repository is to have a community accessible location for storing code required to generate both the standard metrics for a given type of evaluation (e.g., daily streamflows at the Camels basins) as well as additional exporatory evaluations.
We welcome contributions from the community. Our hope is that community members will contribute suggested changes to both the standard evaluations as well as interesting alternative ways to evaluate model performance. If you have a suggestion please fork the repsoitory, make your suggested and create a pull request to have your updates reviewed and merged to the main repository.