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Fork of the UKAEA NESO repository for internal use


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NESO (Neptune Exploratory SOftware)

This is a work-in-progress respository for exploring the implementation of a series of tokamak exhaust relevant models combining high order finite elements with particles, written in C++ and SYCL.


  • CMake
  • Boost >= 1.74 (for tests)
  • SYCL implementation Hipsycl and fftw or OneAPI and MKL.
  • Nektar++
  • NESO-Particles

Building with Spack

The easiest way to install NESO is using the Spack package manager, although this can take a few hours the first time you do it or if you change compilers. This repository has been set up so you can use a variation of the Spack developer workflow. Simply run the following commands at the top level of the repository:

If you don't already have Spack available on your computer, install it according to the official documentation, or as follows:

# Ensure all prerequisites are installed
apt update # For Ubuntu; other distros have their own commands
apt install build-essential ca-certificates coreutils curl environment-modules gfortran git gpg lsb-release python3 python3-distutils python3-venv unzip zip

git clone -c feature.manyFiles=true -b v0.19.0 $HOME/.spack
echo 'export SPACK_ROOT=$HOME/.spack' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'source $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/' >> $HOME/.bashrc
export SPACK_ROOT=$HOME/.spack
source $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/

Next, install the Intel compilers if they are not already present on your computer.

spack install intel-oneapi-compilers
spack load intel-oneapi-compilers
spack compiler find
spack unload intel-oneapi-compilers

Now, activate the NESO development environment and build it and its dependencies. This must be done from the top level of this repository.

git submodule update --init
. activate
spack install

The activate script sets some useful environment variables and runs spack activate .... This activates an anonymous Spack environment based on the settings in the spack.yaml file. These configurations tell Spack to install NESO and all of its dependencies. Rather than pulling fresh NESO and Nektar++ source code from GitHub, it will use the copy of the code in your current working directory and the Nektar++ submodule (respectively). You can leave this environment at any time by running deactivate.

spack install will build two copies of NESO: one with GCC/hipSYCL/FFTW3 and one with Intel's OneAPI/DPC++/MKL. These packages and their dependencies will be installed in the usual Spack locations. They will also be linked into "filesystem views" view/gcc-hipsycl and view/oneapi-dpcpp. The NESO builds will be done in directories called something like spack-build-abc1234 (the hashes at the end will differ). If you change your spack installation in some way (e.g., upgrading the version of a dependency) then the hash will change and NESO and/or Nektar++ will be rebuilt. The activation provides the convenience command cleanup to delete these old builds.

In order to tell which build is which, symlinks builds/gcc-hipsycl and builds/oneapi-dpcpp are provided. As Nektar++ is being built from the submodule, its build trees are located at nektar/spack-build-abc1234 (the hashes at the end will differ) and can be accessed with symlinks nektar/builds/gcc and nektar/builds/oneapi. Test binaries will be contained within these build directories. The activation script launches a background task which regularly checks whether the hashes of your NESO and Nektar++ builds has changed. If they have, it will update the symlinks. They will also be checked whenever the environment is activated or deactivated.

It has been found that the oneAPI and clang compilers struggle to build NumPy and Boost due to very large memory requirements. As such, the oneAPI build of NESO compiles these dependencies using another compiler (the Intel Classic compilers by default). Feel free to experiment with changing these or seeing if there is a way to make the builds work with oneAPI.


As you develop the code, there are a few options for how you recompile. One is simply to run spack install again. This will reuse the existing build directory and reinstall the results of the build. The build environment used is determined by the package configuration for NESO (as specificed in the NESO package repository and is the same as if you were doing a traditional Spack installation of a named version of NESO. This has the particular advantage of building with all toolchaings (i.e., GCC, OneAPI) at one time. It also works well if you are developing NESO and Nektar++ simultaneously, as it will rebuild both. The main disadvantage of this approach is that Spack hides the output of CMake during the build process and will only show you any information on the build if there is an error. This means you will likely miss any compiler warnings, unless you check the build logs. There is also some overhead associated with running Spack, which makes the build a little slow.

An alternative approach is to prefix your usual build commands with spack build-env neso%gcc or spack build-env neso%oneapi (depending on which compiler you want to use). This will cause the commands to be run in the same build environment as when installing that version of NESO. For example, you could run

spack build-env neso%gcc cmake . -B build
spack build-env neso%gcc cmake --build build

This would cause the build to occur in the directory build. This approach works quite well. A slight downside is the commands are a bit cumbersome. It also won't build for both compilers at once, although you might not want to do that anyway, early during the development of a new feature.

Finally, you could take advantage of the filesystem views created when you installed the environment and which give you access to all of the resources for the build that you need. For example, you could run

cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(pwd)/gcc-hipsycl . -B build
cmake --build build

CMake will automatically be able to find all of the packages it needs in gcc-hipsycl. The downside of this approach is that there is a risk CMake will end up using a different compiler or compiler version than intended. This is especially likely if not using a system compiler. You should ensure you are aware of what compilers you have installed and, if necessary, explicitly specify to CMake which you want to use.

In general, it is recommended to use the spack build-env ... command for compiling earlier in the development process (if you aren't simultaneously making changes to Nektar++), to ensure you see any warnings and so you aren't spending extra times compiling things twice. Once you believe you have a working implementation with one compiler (of if you are working on NESO and Nektar++ simultaneously), you can use spack install to test the build against other compilers. It is not recommended to use the Spack views, as building this way is less likely to be reproducible.

Manually Installing Dependencies


Ensure a recent version of CMake is available. If necessary, install with

tar xvf cmake-3.23.1.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.23.1/


The test suite requires the Boost library (version >= 1.74). If this is not available on your system, it can be built from source by doing

tar xvf boost_1_79_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_79_0/

If the install is not automatically found by cmake, specify the path to the install dir at configure time:

cmake -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/boost_1_79_0/ . -B build


To build with Nektar++, ensure that Nektar++ is installed on your system. Detailed instructions can be found in the Nektar user guide, but briefly,

git clone
cd nektar
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. 
cmake --build .
make install

should install Nektar++.

To build NESO with Nektar++, set the Nektar++_DIR flag in cmake, e.g.

cmake -DNektar++_DIR=/path/to/nektar/build/dist/lib64/nektar++/cmake . -B build
cmake --build build

where /path/to/nektar/build/dist/lib64/nektar++/cmake is the folder containing the Nektar++Config.cmake file. Note that for this file to exist, you must do make install at the end of the Nektar++ build.


Install NESO-Particles by following the installation instructions at Additional configuration options for NESO-Particles can be passed when NESO is configured through cmake.


Manually building NESO

To build the code and the tests, do

cmake . -B build
cmake --build build

It may be necessary to tell CMake the location of dependencies:

  • Boost by setting -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR
  • SYCL compiler by setting -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER
  • Nektar++ by setting the location of Nektar++Config.cmake using -DNektar++_DIR

For example:

cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=dpcpp -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=/root/code/boost_1_78_0 -DNektar++_DIR=/root/code/nektar/build/dist/lib64/nektar++/cmake . -B build
cmake --build build

The executable NESO is created in bin.

Handling Submodules when Developing

This repository contains some git submodules, for code which is likely to undergo development tightly-coupled with NESO (e.g., Nektar) or which it is convenient to distribute this way (NESO-spack). When checking out different branches, on which submodules are at different commits, it can be easy to end up with working against different versions of submodules than you think. This can cause headaches when trying to reproduce certain behaviour. Run git submodule update --recursive to ensure everything is at the correct commit. You can avoid this issue altogether by using git checkout --recurse-submodules. You can also set this as a default for your copy of the repository by running git config --local submodule.recurse true. Note, however, that these latter two options can cause git to complain if trying to switch between two branches, only one of which contains a submodule.

System-specific information

Dirac (CSD3 @ Cambridge)

module unload intel/compilers/2017.4
module unload intel/mkl/2017.4
module load gcc/11
module load intel/oneapi/2022.1.0/compiler
module load intel/oneapi/2022.1.0/mkl
module load intel/oneapi/2022.1.0/tbb
export  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/software/intel/oneapi/2022.1/compiler/latest/linux/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH


CMake also builds a suite unit tests (e.g. <build_dir>/test/unitTests) and integration tests (<build_dir>/test/integrationTests). The build directories are builds/gcc-hipsycl and builds/oneapi-dpcpp.

A subset of the tests may be run using appropriate flags: e.g. path/to/testExecutable --gtest_filter=TestSuiteName.TestName. See the googletest user guide for more info, especially with regards to running specific tests.

Alternatively, you can call CTest from within the build directory to execute your tests.


Each solver has

  • Source code: solvers/<solver_name>
  • Integration tests: test/integration/solvers/<solver_name>
  • Examples: examples/<solver_name>/<example_name>

To run a solver example:

./scripts/  [solver_name] [example_name] <-n num_MPI> <-b build_dir>

which will look for the solver executable in the most recently modified spack-build-* directory, unless one is supplied with -b. Output is generated in example-runs/<solver_name>/<example_name>.

Address Sanitizers

To debug for memory leaks, compile with the options



This is licenced under MIT.

In order to comply with the licences of dependencies, this software is not to be released as a binary.


Fork of the UKAEA NESO repository for internal use







No releases published


No packages published


  • C++ 91.6%
  • Python 3.7%
  • CMake 3.2%
  • Other 1.5%