A book sharing application was developed with the scope of helping people share knowledge. The App contained the following functionalities:
- It let the user log-in using their Google account.
- It let the users upload information regarding the books that they have.
- It let them search for the books that they want.
- A user can request another user to let them borrow the book.
- A user can request another user to return their book.
- The users can chat among themselves, within the app. The app was majorly developed in Java using Android Studio. Only one functionality within the application was developed using Kotlin.
Developed by: Annalisa Pelati, Stefania Titone, Rehan Razzaque Rajput
The project was part of a course at Politecnico di Torino. The project was developed by students who had never developed an application before. The scope of developing this application was mainly to learn android app development on-the-go.