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ROOTPWA is a toolkit for partial-wave analysis of multi-particle final states produced in high-energy particle reactions. It is used to determine hadron spectra from experimental data.


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ROOTPWA is a toolkit for partial-wave analysis of multi-particle final states produced in high-energy particle reactions. Based on experimental and Monte-Carlo data that are read into the program in the form of three-vector tuples and the set of partial waves specified by the user in form of ASCII files, ROOTPWA determines the production amplitudes of the various partial waves by performing an unbinned extended maximum-likelihood fit that uses the full kinematic information of the measured final-state particles and that takes into account detector acceptance as well as reconstruction efficiency. For the calculation of the partial-wave decay amplitudes the helicity formalism is used. The code structure, however, is open for the implementation of other formalisms.

Please note that ROOTPWA is still in development and currently in a transition phase from an old deprecated code basis using a mixture of C++, bash, and ROOT scripts to a new system that is based on C++ and Python. The new system is intended to be faster, more versatile, more flexible, and easier to maintain. The transition will also encompass the migration of the main I/O data formats towards efficient and self-describing ROOT data structures. We will try to minimize incompatibilities and disruptions of workflows that will inevitably occur along the way.

ROOTPWA is distributed under the GPLv3. For details please see the LICENSE file contained in this package. ROOTPWA is hosted at GitHub and can be found at

Below you will find instructions on how to install the external libraries needed by ROOTPWA, how to get the ROOTPWA sources, how to install the program, and how to contribute to the project.

Installation Instructions


ROOTPWA will usually run without problems on most (not too old) Linux and MacOS X systems. Regular tests are performed on the latest Ubuntu distribution and MacOS version as well as on the Scientific Linux CERN (SLC) distribution installed on the lxplus interactive login service provided by CERN. Before you can build ROOTPWA you need to install the following software packages.


CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system available from In addition to the reference documentation available at the project web page further information about CMake can be found at

The minimum required CMake version is 3.11.0. In case your system offers only outdated packages (check CMake version by running cmake --version), you can either quite easily compile and install CMake yourself:

  1. Download the latest CMake release from

  2. Prepare the installation

    > bootstrap --prefix=<install directory>

    On multi-core machines you may speed up things by using the --parallel=<# of processes> option. If you plan to use the CMake GUI, you should set the --qt-gui flag. This of course requires that you have the QT libraries installed.

  3. Compile CMake

    > make && make install

  4. Add <install directory>/bin to your path or create an alias for cmake.

...or use the binary distribution package:

  1. Download the latest CMake binary (.tar.gz) from and unpack it to your preferred binary directory (e.g. ~/bin/).

  2. Make sure the binary directory is in your path or create an alias for cmake.


Part of the ROOTPWA code and of the external libraries relies on the Boost C++ template library which is available at ROOTPWA requires Version 1.67.0 or higher. Although it is recommended to use the latest Boost release, CMake always lags somewhat behind in supporting new Boost releases (see _Boost_KNOWN_VERSIONS in FindBoost.cmake).

Getting Boost

If you have administrator privileges, just install the respective Boost packages for your platform and you are set. In case you only have normal user privileges there are two ways of installing Boost: The most convenient way is to download the tarball of the desired Boost version from the Boost website at and extract it to a place of your choice. However, one can also clone the Boost git repository by running

> git clone --recursive
> cd boost

This has the advantage that switching to different (usually updated) Boost versions is easier. The list of available versions (a.k.a. branch tags) is printed by

> git tag

The Boost git repository is split into multiple submodules (this is also referred to as "Modular Boost"). Therefore, after choosing the tag (here e.g. boost-1.67.0), the checkout has to be performed for the main directory and for each submodule. This can be done by running the following commands (be sure to be in the main Boost directory)

> git checkout boost-1.67.0
> git submodule foreach 'git checkout --force boost-1.67.0 || true'

See and for more information.

Compiling Boost Library

If the Boost library was not installed in the system directories, you have to define the BOOST_ROOT environment variable such that it points to the Boost top-level directory (e.g. export BOOST_ROOT=some/path/boost), so that the build systems of ROOTPWA and the external libraries know where they can find the Boost files.

Note, that although Boost is to a large extend a header-only library, some parts need to be compiled. Make sure that (re)compilation includes the Boost.Pyhton, Boost.Timer, and optionally the Boost.MPI libraries. If you checked out the Boost Git repository, you also have to (re)generate the folder structure for the header files. It is highly recommended to run the script found in the ROOTPWA root directory, which performs all the above tasks. The script takes an optional argument, which is the number of parallel processes the Boost build system should run. If you run e.g. on a 4-core machine you should run

> 4

The script relies on the BOOST_ROOT environment variable discussed above. Be always sure to (re)compile the Boost libraries after having switched to a different Boost and/or Python version.

Updating Boost (Git version)

In order to find out the current Boost version (branch tag) run

> git describe --tags

To list the versions of the submodules run

> git submodule foreach 'git describe --tags'

Note, that for some submodules the version might be lower than the one of the main module. This just means that these submodules were not changed in the newer Boost release(s).

Remove all untracked files and directories created by last compilation

> git clean -ffdx
> git submodule foreach 'git clean -ffdx || true'

A full update of the Boost git repository is performed by running (be sure to be in the main Boost directory)

> git checkout master
> git pull
> git submodule update --recursive --init
> git submodule update --recursive
> git submodule foreach --recursive "git checkout master; git pull"

After this you choose the Boost version as described above. It is not recommended to work with the master branch of Boost.


As YAML parser we use yaml-cpp written by Jesse Beder available from Version 0.6.0 or higher is required.

In case you do not have administrator privileges, the easiest way to install yaml-cpp from source is:

> git clone
> cd yaml-cpp
> git co yaml-cpp-0.6.0
> mkdir build; cd build
> make


ROOT is an open-source data-analysis framework for high-energy and nuclear physics and is available from Version 6.08.00 or higher is required and it must have been built with the configure options

`./configure --enable-mathmore --enable-minuit2`

If root-config --features does not list mathmore and minuit2 you need to re-configure and re-compile ROOT with these options. See for more information in how to compile ROOT from source.


We use the libconfig config file parser written by Mark A. Lindner available from Version 1.4 or higher is required. At least for Debian and Ubuntu recent libconfig packages are available, for SLC6 only outdated packages are provided. In case you do not have administrator privileges you can compile libconfig from source which is straightforward. The easiest way is to install the library into the same directory as the source

> ./configure --prefix=/your/folder/to/install/libconfig
> make && make install


In order to make scripting more powerful and flexible, most of the ROOTPWA classes are Python-ified, so that they can be interfaced directly in Python. In the long term much of the house-keeping and user-interface code that is currently scattered across several C++ programs, shell scripts, and ROOT scripts will be reimplemented in Python.

The build system tries to find your Python installation automatically. For this to work you need to have the python executable in your path. ROOTPWA requires Python 2.7. Python 3 is currently not supported. In case you do not have the possibility to install the Python 2.7 packages for your operating system, you may install Python from source as outlined below:

  1. Download the source tarball from and extract it to a directory of your choice.

  2. Compile Python.

    > ./configure --enable-shared && make && make install && make test

    Depending on whether you have administrator rights or not you might want to set the prefix accordingly (e.g. --prefix=$(pwd -P)). In this case you also have to make sure to add the Python bin and lib directories to your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables, respectively.

In addition you need to compile the Boost.Python library (e.g. by running the supplied script; see "Compiling Boost Library" above). Make also sure that the ROOT installation you are using was compiled with Python support (running root-config --features should list python) against the same Python version you are using (ldd ${ROOTSYS}/lib/ | grep -i python shows you the Python library version against which ROOT was linked). Make also sure that your PYTHONPATH environment variable includes ${ROOTSYS}/lib.


NumPy ( is a Python library that is required in ROOTPWA for some operations on ROOT trees. Version 1.8 or higher of_NumPy_ is required and it needs to be built against the same Python version as ROOTPWA. It is available from the repositories of most Linux distributions or via pip. To install from source use:

  1. Download the source tarball from and extract it to a directory of your choice.

  2. Build and install NumPy.

    > python build

    > python install --prefix=/your/folder/to/install/numpy

  3. Add the installation directory of NumPy to the PYTHONPATH environment variable:

    > export PYTHONPATH=/your/folder/to/install/numpy:$PYTHONPATH

    This should probably be added to your .profile.

NLopt (optional)

The NLopt library ( provides a faster minimizer compared to the default Minuit2 Migrad. The ROOTPWA build system is able to automatically detect and use the library if it is either installed in a system directory or if the NLOPT environment variable is defined. The minimum required version is 2.4.1. Download the source tarball from and extract it to a directory of your choice or clone the git repository, i.e.

> git clone
> cd nlopt

The build procedure differs depending on the version of NLopt. For versions 2.4.x, use the follwing procedure

> git co nlopt-2.4.1
> sh && ./configure --prefix=/your/folder/to/install/nlopt --with-cxx --enable-shared --without-guile --without-matlab --without-octave
> make && make install

Versions 2.5+ use a CMake build:

> git co v2.5.0
> mkdir build
> cd build
> make

If you have not installed NLopt into folders that are in the configured system search paths, you need to set the environment variable NLOPT to point to your NLopt directory

`> export NLOPT=<your/NLopt/directory>`

Consider to add the appropriate line to your .profile.

BAT (optional)

An efficient way to create Monte Carlo events according to a given model can be used if the Bayesian Analysis Toolkit ( is available. The ROOTPWA build system is able to automatically detect BAT if it is either installed in system paths or if the BATINSTALLDIR environment variable is set. The minimum required BAT versiom is 1.0.0, which has to be obtained from the git repository:

> git clone
> cd bat
> git co v1.0.0
> ./ && ./configure --prefix=/your/folder/to/install/bat
> make && make install

BAT can be compiled with support for OpenMP. If it is supported by your system, add the --enable-parallel option to the configure arguments. If BAT should be installed into the source directory, you can use --prefix=$(pwd -P). make install still needs to be executed in this case to create the lib and include directories required by ROOTPWA.

Set the environment variable BATINSTALLDIR to either the directory containing the installation or to the build directory.

`> export BATINSTALLDIR=$(pwd -P)`

Consider to add an appropriate line to your .profile.

CUDA (optional)

If you have access to a CUDA capable nvidia graphics card (shader model 2.0 or higher), you may want to install the CUDA framework (version 8.0 or higher). The build system tries to find your CUDA installation and, if successful, enables the CUDA features automatically. Make sure that your CUDA environment is setup correctly by adding something like

`export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-8.0/bin:${PATH}`
`export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}`
(for 32-bit systems: `export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}`)

to your .bashrc. You have to copy the CUDA samples to a directory of your choice by running

` <dir>`

Point the environment variable CUDA_SAMPLES_ROOT_DIR to the location of the directory with the CUDA samples. If this variable is not set, the build system assumes that the directory is located in ${HOME}/NVIDIA_CUDA-8.0_Samples.

MPI (optional, experimental)

In order take advantage of the parallel nature of the computing problems in PWA, it is planned to make some of the executables MPI-aware, so that they run on multi-core machines as well as on MPI PC-clusters. The build system tries to find your MPI installation (openMPI recommended) automatically. In addition you also need to compile the Boost.MPI libraries (e.g. by running the supplied script). If the build system has found both the MPI installation and the Boost.MPI libraries, the MPI features are automatically enabled.


The ROOTPWA source code is available through the central git repository hosted at GitHub. In order to get the sources you have to "clone" the repository by running

> git clone

The command will download the code into the ROOTPWA directory. This working copy is a git repository of its own which contains all past revisions of the project and which you may use for code experiments. If you plan to contribute code, please read the section "Contributing to ROOTPWA" below.

ROOTPWA is developed in multiple code branches, most of which contain work in progress that might not work as expected. However, there are dedicated stable branches that are intended to be used for real analyses. Tested versions of these branches are identified by tags.

By default you will be in the master branch after you cloned the repository. This branch is used for development and will contain the latest features. More conservative users are recommended to use stable branches. Note, however, that new features will not be backported to stable branches. At the moment the latest stable branch is called _v3. Note that ROOTPWA's data format has changed after _v3, so _v3 will be the last version able to read the older ROOTPWA files. However, the files generated by this version will not be compatible with later versions. You may also checkout tagged versions. The list of tags is given by

> git tag

The naming scheme for the tags is <branch name>.<major version number>.<minor version number> (e.g. v2.0.0). In order to get the revision that belongs to a certain tag run

> git checkout <tag name>

If you want to follow the development of a branch, run

> git checkout -t origin/<branch name>

with e.g. <branch name> = _v2 or master. This allows you to get the newest version of the respective branch by running

> git pull

Building ROOTPWA

Finally you are ready to build ROOTPWA from the sources.

Setting Up Build Environment

  1. Make sure that you have installed all the packages mentioned above for the correct architecture: If you compile on a 32 bit machine, all external libraries need also to be compiled for 32 bit. Similarly for 64 bit machines all libraries (including ROOT!) have to be compiled for 64 bit. Mixed 32/64 bit compilation is not supported and will result in linker errors.

  2. If the Boost library was not installed in the system directories, make sure you defined the BOOST_ROOT environment variable such that it points to the Boost top-level directory (see also "Compiling Boost Library" above).

  3. Make sure that your ROOT environment is setup correctly. The build system utilizes the root-config executable to determine the ROOT environment and expects it to be in the path.

  4. Define the LIBCONFIG environment variable and point it to the libconfig installation directory. The build system expects the include files in ${LIBCONFIG}/include and the libraries in ${LIBCONFIG}/lib. ${LIBCONFIG}/lib should be added to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

  5. Define the YAML_CPP environment variable and point it to the yaml-cpp installation directory. The build system expects the include files in ${YAML_CPP}/include/yaml-cpp and the libraries in ${YAML_CPP}/lib or ${YAML_CPP}/build. The library directory should be added to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

  6. Set the ROOTPWA environment variable to the path of the ROOTPWA top level directory. This usually is your git working copy.

Compiling ROOTPWA

  1. We use an out-of-source build strategy (one of the nice features of CMake). This means that all files created by the build system will reside in a separate directory outside of the directories that contain the source code. The build system expects this directory to be ${ROOTPWA}/build which should already exist in your git working copy.

  2. The contents of the build directory can be safely deleted whenever you feel like it, since it can be always regenerated by (re)starting the build process. This also means that is not a good idea to put any valuable files into the build directory or one of its subdirectories. To start the build process run

    > cd ${ROOTPWA}/build

    > cmake ..

    > make

    Note that there is no make install.

    If you run on a multi-core machine, you may want to use make -j in order to run multiple compilation processes in parallel which usually speeds up the whole process significantly.

    You may influence the build process via four build options:

    1. RELEASE: This is the default.
    2. DEBUG: This generates debug symbols and switches off all optimizations.
    3. RELWITHDEBINFO: This generates debug symbols but uses the same optimization level like RELEASE.
    4. MINSIZEREL: This optimizes for minimum binary size.

    You can choose a different build option by using CMake's -D option, e.g.

    > cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG ..



    CMake will print the compiler flags used in the build process. For debugging purposes you can enable the CMake debug output by running

    > make VERBOSE=1

  3. In order to be able to run the ROOTPWA programs you need to add ${ROOTPWA}/build/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. It is also a good idea to add ${ROOTPWA}/build/bin to the path.

  4. If you have doxygen installed on your system you can build a html documentation by running

    > make doxygen

    The doxygen documentation will be generated in the directory ${ROOTPWA}/html-doc/html/. It can be viewed with any web browser, e.g.

    > firefox ${ROOTPWA}/html-doc/html/index.html

Advanced Compilation Options

32 bit Compilation

The default behavior is that the build system determines, whether it runs on a 32 or 64 bit system, and chooses the compilation options accordingly. However, sometimes it is required to compile in 32 bit mode on a 64 bit platform. This is easily achieved by only slightly modifying step 2 of the above build process

`> cd ${ROOTPWA}/build`

`> CXXFLAGS=-m32 cmake ..`

`> make`

This injects the -m32 flag into all the necessary compiler invocations. Running in 32 bit mode you have to make sure, that also all other libraries ROOTPWA is linked against are compiled in 32 bit mode. This is usually obtained by running

`> ./configure --host=i686-linux-gnu "CFLAGS=-m32" "CXXFLAGS=-m32" "LDFLAGS=-m32"`

instead of the normal configure call.

Switching Compilers

Other compilers like LLVM Clang are supported as long as they understand gcc compiler flags. In order to switch the compiler suite you have to define the environment variables CC and CXX. For example, switching to LLVM Clang would be achieved by executing

`> export CC=$(which clang)`

`> export CXX=$(which clang++)`

prior to initializing the build directory by calling cmake ...

Sometimes (e.g. in SLC 6.x environments) CMake chooses the system gcc version although a different version is in the system PATH. This can be cured by executing

`> export CC=gcc`

`> export CXX=g++`

prior to the initialization of the build directory.

Contributing to ROOTPWA

Contributions to the development of ROOTPWA are very welcome and can be made in several ways:

Bug Reports / Feature Requests

If you find a problem with ROOTPWA or feel that a feature that you would like to have is missing, you can file an issue report via the ROOTPWA GitHub website. Before submitting an issue report, please check that your issue has not already been submitted by someone else.

If you already have a solution for a particular bug or have implemented a new feature, feel free to submit a pull request so that the ROOTPWA developers can review your changes (see also "Contributing Code" below).

The development of ROOTPWA is organized via Trello. If you have a feature request please check if there already is a corresponding card. Trello can also be used to check if a feature is being worked on.

Contributing Code

If you would like to contribute to ROOTPWA, the first step is to fork the ROOTPWA repository. To do this, you need to have a GitHub account. While logged in, go to the ROOTPWA repository and click "Fork" on the top right. This will give you your own copy of the ROOTPWA git repository on GitHub, which you can use to implement your contribution. As soon as you judge your work ready for integration, issue a pull request by clicking "New Pull Request" in your copy of the repository. Be sure that your pull request has the green checkmark "Able to merge". The ROOTPWA developers will then consider your changes for implementation and if necessary request changes.

In case you are new to git and need information on how to work with it, we recommend the git book, which gives a thorough and comprehensible introduction to git.

Some information which might be of importance:

Branch Layout

The ROOTPWA repository uses the master branch for development, meaning that the latest development version is generally in the master branch. For older versions, there are maintenance branches name _v1, _v2, etc. Versions which are deemed stable are tagged with a version number, e.g. <branch name>.<version number> (e.g. _v1.12). Most work is to be done in topic branches whose name should not start with an _. If you are unsure which branch your work should be based upon, feel free to contact the ROOTPWA developers for support.

Commit Message Format

ROOTPWA follows a policy for the commit messages, which is close to the standard git commit-message policy. It consists of the following rules:

  • The commit message must consist of at least three lines.
  • The first line of the commit message must not be longer than 80 characters.
  • The second line of the commit message must be empty.
  • All remaining lines (of which there must be at least one) must not be longer than 80 characters.


ROOTPWA is a toolkit for partial-wave analysis of multi-particle final states produced in high-energy particle reactions. It is used to determine hadron spectra from experimental data.







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