Access GMail in the Linux terminal easily and safely!
Boasting an extremely simple and streamlined user interface and every feature a normal email user would ever need, Terminal Webmail is your solution to the laggy browser based experience that we've been taught to accept.
Print email in terminal including inline images and gifs
Print attachments in terminal
Download attachments
Mark email as read / unread or spam / not spam
Reply to email using the default EDITOR on your system
Write email
Set to, cc, and bcc for any reply or written email
Empty trash
First, make a virtual env to put the files from this repo into.
Then, source the virtual env.
Next, install requirements with pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Then, install viu using cargo with the instructions from
Next, install w3m. On Debian based distributions, you might use this command: sudo apt install w3m
Now you need to get a client secret file from and save it as client_secret.json
Also, please enable reading emails, marking them as read / unread, and sending emails in the Google API.
Finally, run the program with python3
The program will open a web browser for you to authorize the oauth authentication with Gmail if you are not already authorized.
Then, just follow the instructions in the terminal.
You can safely close the terminal window whenver you want.
The program will exit once it completes the task you've selected.
So, you must run it every time you want to check your unread mail or write an email.
Check out our paid edition here:
Animated .gif images will loop infinitely until you end the animation with Control + C.
This includes .gif inline images and attachments.