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Team Match Communication Protocol

oxrock edited this page May 21, 2021 · 46 revisions



TMCP stands for the Team Match Communication Protocol. It is an attempt at standardizing inter-bot communication.

Currently, the match communication system, or match comms, is only supported by Python bots. See RLBot/wiki/Matchcomms for more information on how to use it.

Match comms do not allow for team-only messages. Until this is implemented, TMCP operates on an honor system: a bot should not look at packets from bots on another team.

Sending packets

Bots should avoid spamming packets. They should aim for a maximum of 10 packets per second.

Only send a packet when something has changed. If you want to refine a time estimate sent in a previous message, only do so if the time difference is > 0.1 seconds.

Receiving packets

Packets will only be received when something has changed. If you haven't received a packet from another bot, assume that nothing has changed.

TMCP 1.0

This is what a packet following TMCP looks like:

  "tmcp_version": [1, 0],
  "team": int,
  "index": int,
  "action": {
    "type": string,
  • tmcp_version

    • Major: Breaking revision number
    • Minor: Non-breaking revision number
  • team - The team of the bot that sent the packet. 0 for blue and 1 for orange. This will be removed once match comms allow for team-only communication.

  • index - The index of the bot that sent the packet. If you are using the hivemind, make this the index of the bot which is carrying out the action.

  • action - The current action that the bot is taking. This is an object. The types can be seen below.


The bot is going for the ball.

  "type": "BALL",
  "time": float,
  "direction": [float, float, float] 
  • time - Game time that your bot will arrive at the ball. Set to -1 if this is unknown.
  • direction - Anticipated normalized direction of ball travel AFTER contact is made. [0, 0, 0] for unknown.


The bot is going for boost.

  "type": "BOOST",
  "target": int
  • target - Index of the boost pad the bot is going to collect.


The bot is going to demolish another car.

  "type": "DEMO",
  "time": float,
  "target": int
  • time - Game time that the bot will demo the other bot. -1 for unknown.
  • target - Index of the bot that will be demoed.


The bot is waiting for a chance to go for the ball. Some examples are positioning (retreating/shadowing) and recovering.

  "type": "READY",
  "time": float
  • time - The game time when the bot could arrive at the ball (if it was to go for it). -1 for unknown.


The bot is in a position to defend the goal and is not planning to move up. Only use DEFEND if your bot is in place to defend, not if still en-route. If the bot decides to leave the net, signal this using either "BALL" (if going for a touch) or "READY" (if moving upfield).

A bot should use "DEFEND" to let its teammates know it is safe to move up a bit without worrying about an open net.

  "type": "DEFEND"

TMCP Implementations


If you use VirxERLU, your bot automatically sends out TMCP packets. To process incoming ones, add this to your bot in

def handle_tmcp_packet(self, packet):
    # process the packet here

However, you will have to implement your own 'minimum time to ball' function. This is the default:

def get_minimum_game_time_to_ball(self):
    return -1

It should return -1 if you can't find a shot and the game time of the shot if you could. It should be noted that all shots (except for short_shot) have a property called intercept_time which is the game time that they will intercept the ball at.

TMCP Handler

Will made a TMCP python package with helper classes that handle everything protocol-related.

To install, just do

pip install tmcp

Then you can use it like this:

from tmcp import TMCPHandler, TMCPMessage, ActionType

class MyBot(BaseAgent):
    def initialize_agent(self):
        self.tmcp_handler = TMCPHandler(self)

    def get_output(self, packet: GameTickPacket) -> SimpleControllerState:
        # Receive and parse all new matchcomms messages into TMCPMessage objects.
        new_messages: List[TMCPMessage] = self.tmcp_handler.recv()
        # Handle TMCPMessages.
        for message in new_messages:
            if message.action_type == ActionType.BALL:

        # You can send messages like this.

        # Or you can create them and send them more directly:
        my_message = TMCPMessage.ball_action(, self.index, estimated_time_of_arrival)


The TGDSMELLS Handler is very similar in usage to Will's TMCP Handler.

Can be installed with

pip install tgdsmells

Under the hood

The following example shows how you could send and receive match comms without a handler. This is shown to give you a better idea of what's going on under the hood. We do still recommend that you use an existing handler instead because it will be up to date and do a lot of error checking for you.

from queue import Empty

class MyBot(BaseAgent):
    def initialize_agent(self):
        self.ally_actions = {}

    def receive_coms(self):
        # Process up to 50 messages per tick.
        for _ in range(50):
                # Grab a message from the queue.
                msg = self.matchcomms.incoming_broadcast.get_nowait()
            except Empty:

            # This message either isn't following the standard protocol
            # or is intended for the other team.
            # DO NOT spy on the other team for information!
            if "tmcp_version" not in msg or msg["team"] !=

            # Will's handler checks to make sure the message is valid.
            # Here we are keeping it as simple as possible.

            # If we made it here we know it's information relevant to our team.
            # Let's save it in a dictionary for reference later.
            self.ally_actions[msg["index"]] = msg

    def send_coms(self):
        # Let's assume that our bot is attacking the ball and aiming for prediction slice 100.
        outgoing_msg = {
            "tmcp_version": [1, 0],
            "index": self.index,
            "action": {
                "type": "BALL",
                # You'll likely have the ball predictions cached locally.
                # This implementation is for demonstration purposes only.
                "time": self.get_ball_prediction_struct().slices[100].game_seconds,
                "direction": [0, 0, 0]

    def get_output(self, packet: GameTickPacket):
        # Get the latest information from matchcomms.

        # Your bot code goes here:

        # Ideally you only send out communications when your plans change.
        # Sending 120 messages a second is just overkill and will eat into the processing time of your allies.
        # Please take proper precautions to prevent excessive spam.
        if new_plan != old_plan:

        return self.controls